Page 51 of Shooter (Burnout 1)

Hayley’s eyes widened and she looked from Chris to Mark. “Master?!” she squeaked.

Mark shook his head. “Me neither, honey. If I wanted a blow up doll, I’d own one. Nah. I’m looking for a smart, beautiful, regular sassy, not bedroom sassy woman who can dress herself. When I let her wear clothes.”

“And call you, Sir,” Chris added.

“And call me, Sir.” Tex considered this. “Or not call me Sir, if I’ve a mind to gag her.”

Hayley’s mouth dropped open. “Gag her?!”

“Mutual pleasure, darlin’.”

Hayley’s brain hiccupped. “Why would that be pleasurable?”

He smiled and tilted his head to the side. “Which is again why you’re not my type.”

Hayley rubbed her hands on her jeans again. “But you don’t hurt them?”

“Not the way you mean. Never.”

“And you’re looking for a smart, beautiful, regular sassy, not bedroom sassy, independent woman to call you Sir.”

Tex pulled his hat down in a gesture of acknowledgment. “Yep.”

“Except when she’s gagged,” Hayley added.

He nodded again.

Hayley grinned up at him. “Does she salute then?”

Tex’s mouth dropped open. Then he leaned his head back and roared with laughter. “Does she salute? Oh, God.” He swept Hayley up in a hug and laughed even harder. “Girl, you’ve got way too much sass.”

Tex headed back outside and Hayley looked at Chris. “He really doesn’t hurt them?”

Chris shook his head. “If he did, he wouldn’t be welcome in my home.”

Hayley nodded to herself. “So….you don’t…”

“I tried it once.”

“You did?”

“Tex and I went to a club in Japan while we were on leave. Wasn’t for me.”

Hayley considered this. “Maybe it was the language barrier.”

Chris laughed. “Honey, I speak enough Japanese to get by. Wasn’t a language problem. Submission is submission in any language and that’s not what I want.”

“You want bedroom sass. Not regular sass. That’s what Tex said.”

Chris shrugged. “I like a girl who gives as good as she gets. Not one who just wants to be done to. So, yeah, I guess.”

“What about Caleb?”

Chris lifted an eyebrow. “Are you shopping?”

“No! I just thought, I mean, he has the handcuffs. And he’s very…authoritative. I could see him wanting to be called Sir,” she mused. “And Hawk. Hawk is…large. He’s intimidating without actually doing anything.”

Chris shrugged. “Only to you. Women normally just throw themselves at him, he doesn’t have to do much to get their attention.”

“But he never calls them back.”

Chris grinned a lopsided grin. “He’s not big on commitment.”

“Why is that?”

Chris shrugged. “Parents had a shitty marriage. Sister had a shitty marriage. Not exactly a ringing endorsement for monogamy.”

“What was Jimmy like? Before?”

Chris laughed. “Easy’s so young he was barely out of the, ‘Oh my God I can’t believe I’m getting laid,’ stage.”

“Really? That’s hard to believe. He’s so hot.”

Chris folded his arms across his chest. “He’s so hot?” he repeated.

“Well, kind of! I mean, when he’s not scowling, or frowning, or otherwise messing up his face by being perpetually in a bad mood. Yeah, he’s easily the hottest. Which is saying a lot because you’re all kind of hot. Like scary hot. It’s weird how there’s not like one average guy in your group. Then again, if I were an average guy, I would never hang out with you guys, ‘cause I would never meet girls. Or maybe I would meet girls, like when Hawk’s done with them. So how come there aren’t any normal guys in your circle of friends?”

“I don’t know!” Chris nearly shouted back. “Maybe because your options are never getting pussy or getting Hawk’s sloppy seconds! Neither of which would seem that appealing to a guy! Is that what you want? Some ‘normal’ guy?

“If you wanted a normal guy, how come you’ve got your nose stuck in romance novels all day long?! You think Duke Poofy Pants is a ‘normal’ guy? Who just happens to be super rich, underwear model handsome, and somehow has the answer to all your problems? You don’t know what the hell you want! And you’re shopping my friends like you’re picking out a new car!

“Well here, I’ll help you! You already know Tex likes girls to call him ‘Sir’ when he spanks them. And Hawk’ll fuck anyone as long as you don’t expect him to remember your name before, during, or after. Especially not after. And Jimmy’s probably so happy that his dick didn’t get blown off along with his leg that he’d do you right now just to prove to himself that he can. If you-”

“What the hell is wrong with you!” came Hawk’s booming voice from the entryway of the sliding glass door. “We can all hear you, you dumb fuck! Where do you get off talking to her like that?” Shooter watched as Hayley skirted past him and out the front door of his house, crying. Hawk loomed in the back door with his arms crossed over his chest.


It took the better part of an hour to apologize to his friends, especially Jimmy, who mostly only grunted his responses and then asked for a ride back to the assisted living center. Chris had never felt like a bigger ass in his whole life. The ride back to the center was uncomfortably silent, so much so, that Chris blurted out, “She thinks you’re hot.”