Page 78 of Shooter (Burnout 1)

Despite the dirty talk that had gotten her off that first night, Chris wasn’t sure having Slick ride his tongue the first time was such a good idea. He needed to be able to watch her face and her reactions. He kissed the inside of her thigh and felt her tremble. He put a reassuring hand on her belly. Slowly trailing kissed up her leg he paused at the glistening thatch of soft brown curls, still wet from her shower. He parted her with two fingers and slowly drew his flattened tongue up from the bottom. And froze. He leaned back a little, eyebrows first knitting together in confusion then raising in surprise. What had Slick done now, he thought to himself.

He sat back on his heels and looked at her. She propped herself up on her elbows. She was smiling. No. Scratch that. Slick was grinning. Slick was grinning that grin that Slick grinned when she was about to give him sass.

It’s sugar free.

Tofu chili.

Aren’t Aces ones?

Shooter’s always bluffing.

His cock twitched as he remembered that last one.

“Peach flavored lube,” she told him quietly.

He shook his head. “Sass,” he muttered. “Far too much sass.”

She laughed but it quickly turned to a scream when he grabbed her knees, parted them, and buried his tongue as far as it would go. Slick screamed again, twice actually, while Chris was either sucking her clit or tongue fucking her.

Then she declared it to be his turn and he was okay with that. But he wasn’t okay with Slick’s idea of using the lube on him and they argued a while about peach not being nearly as manly a flavor as, say, banana or grape. Chris felt this was obvious. Slick felt flavors were gender neutral. A compromise of sorts was struck with Chris allowing the peach only for tonight with the understanding that they would buy manly banana lube later.

Chris was pretty pleased with his decision to compromise when he felt Slick’s lips close around his cockhead. Then he considered himself a god damn powerhouse negotiator when she ended up taking him further into her mouth than she ever had before. But still, banana flavored lube was a necessity. And Slick liked bananas. Ate them most mornings. Which now made him consider the possibility of adding head to his morning regiment. His and hers, of course. And he was thinking of that when he came with a loud groan into Slick’s eager little mouth. She gulped down his come with only a very slight hesitation.

He pulled her up and held her to his chest, both of them sprawled out over the bed. “That was so good, honey,” he told her, brushing her hair back.

“I got it all,” she replied. She’d been working hard at swallowing over the last few weeks and it really showed.

“Don’t think I didn’t notice.”

She traced her fingertips over his chest. “No one’s ever done that for me before,” she admitted.

Chris held her tighter. “Well get used to it. I’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”

She giggled. “I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to it.”

Chapter 25

On Poker night, Easy still hadn’t gotten over the fact that Slick had played him for a fool. He refused to eat the tacos she’d made them for dinner. He’d taken one bite and declared them crap (which they were decidedly not) and announced that he’d rather just eat a bullet than her cooking. Slick looked a combination of stricken and angry as she fled the kitchen, through the living room, and into the Master Bedroom, slamming the door behind her. Chris glared as his former Sapper.

“You know she’s been nothing but good to you,” he snapped.

The younger man flopped down on the couch and refused to answer.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Chris persisted. “We’re all getting about tired of your piss poor attitude.” He started to get up from his chair.

Hawk looked up from his cards and frowned. “Who needs cable?”

“What?” Chris asked, looking at Hawk and then following his gaze to Hayley coming into the living room with his .44 in her hand. “Fuck,” he said, standing up so fast his chair fell down.

Doc stood up, too, but Tex and Hawk sat perfectly still as Hayley walked right up to Easy on the couch. “Do you want this?” she asked holding it out to him. Easy’s eyes went from the television to Hayley and then to the gun. “Maybe you don’t have one. So maybe you need this one.”

“Hayley,” Chris said, “give me the gun.”

“You don’t need it,” Hayley said to Chris, never taking her eyes off Easy. “He does.” To Easy she said, “I’ll tell you the things I know. And I’ll tell you the things that I don’t know. And maybe that’ll help you decide. I know you don’t need to worry about me because I’ve caught this show before. In fact, I don’t stop seeing it. Especially late at night. Which is why I don’t sleep so well. ‘Cause I see him, looking at me, begging me to save him. But my hands were tied behind my back and I wasn’t able to. So he ended up missing half his head. I’ve never seen so much blood. And the weird thing is, it didn’t come out of the giant hole in his head. It came out of his nose.”