Page 74 of Shooter (Burnout 1)

“Chris!” she cried out, pleading.

“Shhh,” he told her. “I’m here. I’ve got you. Don’t tighten up. Just relax and let it happen, baby. Don’t force it or you’ll bruise. Open up for me sweetheart,” he commanded softly.

Hayley relaxed and let her thighs fall open once more. “There’s my girl,” he told her and her belly tightened at his words. His girl. She wanted more than anything to be Chris Sullivan’s girl. His finger stroked in and out of her at a steady pace while his thumb traced lazy circles around her clit. “My sweet girl. So tight. So wet. You feel like Heaven, baby. So beautiful. Come for me, pretty girl. I want to watch.”

He pressed down on her swollen clit and she arched her back. Her whole body felt like a a live wire, stretched taut and vibrating with electricity.


Chris knew she was close. Despite his request, her insides were tensing up around his finger, grasping it, and drawing it in. He found her little button and thumbed it. Hayley creamed for him, flooding his palm with juices. Good God, he’d never seen a woman come like that. Just from a fingering. It took his breath away. He pulled her close and let her ride it out, flexing and throbbing on his finger, crying into his shoulder. And she was crying, that much was certain. All that tension having just suddenly snapped had left her sobbing in relief.

When the spasms around his finger stopped, he slowly slid his hand out of her panties and wrapped both arms around her, holding her tightly. When she could speak again, she began apologizing profusely.

“God, I’m such a mess,” she told him miserably, wiping the tears from her face.

“No, you’re not. Come here,” he pushed her head back down into his shoulder and stroked her hair. “You keep everything locked up inside you. It had to come out, sooner or later. I’m just glad it was with me.”

She swiped at the tears on her cheeks. “I’m sure you have all kinds of women who bawl all over themselves when you’re fooling around.”

He grinned. “Well, no, you’re right, I haven’t. But then again, I’ve never seen a woman have an orgasm like that.” He pulled her closer and put his lips to her ear. “I’d say it’s a good trade. And I’m pretty sure we’ll be having less of one and a lot more of the other from now on.”


The next day, Chris wasn’t able to convince Easy to come with him to the garage. Apparently Easy had fallen into pattern wherein he’d figured out exactly how much (or how little) he needed to work in order to pay the rent and had settled into a lifestyle of being angry at everyone and, oddly enough, being happy about it at the same time. Hayley watched out the front window as Chris shook his head as he looked at the door to the little blue house and then started his Harley. Chris may have given up on the younger man, but Hayley had not yet decided he was a lost cause.

Chapter 24

The tires of Chris’ huge Ford squealed loudly as the truck jumped forward and ran up on the curb. Hayley put both feet on the brake and barely managed to stop the extended cab vehicle from slamming into Easy’s mailbox. The tires squealed on the pavement. Somewhere a dog started barking.

Hayley put the stick shift in neutral and pushed the gas pedal, which only resulted revving the engine. She was shifting back and forth, frowning at the gear box, when the front door of the little blue house jerked open. Easy stomped down the front steps.

“What in the hell are you doing?!” he shouted over the engine.

Hayley looked at him through the open passenger window. “Um. Lunch?” She gestured to the plastic bags arranged on the seat beside her. “I made a whole bunch of sandwiches, but I don’t think I can carry them all the way to the garage by myself.”

She shoved the stick upward, let off the clutch, and the truck jumped forward again. This time the engine stalled. “Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Easy shouted, hitting the side of the truck with his palms. “Jesus Christ! You’re going kill yourself. Or me. Or the neighbors. Just- goddamn it, just wait a minute!”

Easy flung open the passenger door, leaned in and looked down at the parking brake. “Jesus H. Christ,” he muttered. He ripped the keys out of the ignition. He jabbed his finger at her. “You. Stay.” he ordered, and slammed the door. Minutes later he returned wearing a cleaner t-shirt and a jacket. He marched to the driver’s side and threw open the door. “You,” he said again, and again pointing at her, “Move.”


Chris had the large bay doors of the garage open and heard the rumble of a large engine. He craned his neck to see his own truck ambling into the lot. He watched as Easy slammed the cab door and stalked toward him. Hayley got out of the passenger side and started filling up her arms with sacks and bags. Chris started to go out to help her, but Tex got to her first.