He heard the sound of tires crunching gravel in the lot out front and pushed back from his chair to investigate. At the side door, he recognized the small two-door coupe parking under the street lamp at the east corner. Part of him was relieved and part of him tried in vain to ignore the disappointment.
Deanna got out, her heels digging determinedly into the stone. Her blond hair was loose and her jeans were tight and Chris wasn’t going to deny himself an opportunity to get himself back under control.
“All work and no play makes Shooter a dull boy,” Deanna said, grinning as she sauntered up to the building. “I saw the lights on.”
Chris pushed off the door frame he’d been leaning against and held the door open for her.
Mid-June had Hayley scrambling to make more barbecue for another one of Tex’s parties. Hayley had chosen pulled pork this time and had loaded Chris up like a pack mule to fill up the the truck. She’d spent so much time on the barbecue that the potato salad had gone unfinished. She stuffed the ingredients into the picnic basket and decided to make it at the party.
Her pork won out against Tex’s chili, and he was less good-natured about the loss this time since chili was obviously Holy Water with beans in it according to Texans. Hayley ignored him and set about cutting potatoes at one of the buffet tables. Tex’s barbeques were legendary things with bikers, coeds, and everyone in between showing up throughout the day. Hayley ignored the women in jean shorts and bikini tops, some of whom were drunk, all of whom were hitting on eligible men.
She knew she looked out of place in her t-shirt and jeans, but hoped people would assume it was because she was preparing dishes. Out of the corner of Hayley’s eye she spotted the blond, Chris’ blonde, breaking off from the pack and heading toward her. Hayley didn’t know what the taller, prettier, more self-assured woman could possibly want with her, but since the blond was now between Hayley and the back door leading into the house, it appeared Hayley was trapped into finding out.
“Quite the little chef,” the blond declared.
Hayley glanced up and then back at the potato she was slicing. “Just a potato,” she replied.
“Oh, I hear you’re over at Shooter’s place almost every night. Making him dinner.”
Hayley paused with the knife. “He asked me to,” she said, and kept chopping.
“Well, are you cooking for him tonight? Or can I serve him dessert again?”
“What?” Hayley asking, finally tearing her attention away from the chopping.
“Tuesday night. A few weeks ago. I mean you probably noticed that he came home late. He was with me.”
Not knowing what else to do, Hayley picked up the knife and resumed chopping. “Okay,” she said quietly.
“It’s too bad I can’t cook like you,” the blond sighed. “Then I’d have him all to myself. Then again, I’m sure you can’t fuck like me. So I guess we’re destined to share. Don’t worry, I’ll suck my pussy juice off of his cock before I send him home to the little woman.”
“Hey! What the fuck is your problem bitch?” Easy yelled from behind Hayley.
Hayley’s knife slipped and slid into her thumb. “Damn it!” she hissed, dropping the knife and backing away from the table.
“We were just chatting,” the blond replied, all wide eyed innocence.
“Get the fuck out of here. Now,” Easy ordered.
Hayley spun away from the table and headed straight into the house, passing by Chris who was sitting on the deck with Tex. He glanced up, saw her retreat, and got up to follow her.
“What happened?” he asked.
“Nothing,” Hayley muttered. “Just cut my thumb.”
“Let me see,” he said and reached for her hand.
She jerked away from him. “Just leave it alone!” she snapped and ran inside. She located the bathroom, closed the door and locked it. She praised herself for holding out all the way across the yard and into the house and then cried softly into Tex’s guest towels.
“What the hell is going on?” Chris asked Easy, who for some reason was giving him the stink eye. Both men were standing inside Tex’s kitchen with Tex watching silently in case the seething anger radiating off Easy manifested into something physical.
“I’ll tell you what happened. Your skank whore got all up in Hayley’s face!” Easy shouted.
Chris stared at Easy. “What?”
“That fucking blond cunt! She told Hayley she was ‘borrowing’ you again tonight. And then she said some other nasty shit that I won’t repeat for Hayley’s sake. Tell me you’re not fucking that dirty bitch.”
Chris rubbed his hand over his face. “It’s not serious.”
“Well, that shit needs to stop. Immediately! She. got. in. Hayley’s. face. And she wasn’t just bitchy, she was cruel. You need to be a little more selective about who you stick your dick in and who you bring around Hayley.”