Page 7 of Sinning for Sienna

The Wednesday night service at the church was never as full as the one father gave on Sunday morning, but there were always familiar faces here. This service was for people that needed a bit of a refill of religious energy to get through until the next Sunday sermon.

I never really felt like I needed that refill, but skipping it was never an option. So, I sat in the pew, waiting for my father to start. I was in the front row, where our family always sat. I was by myself at first, but just as the service was about to begin, Adam arrived. I wasn’t paying much attention to my brother, too busy looking out for my father to come down the center aisle to reach the pulpit, but he took a seat far too close to me. I frowned slightly as I scooted away, but he moved too, coming so close that our thighs were touching. I scooted over again until I was at the end of the pew. Adam moved again, and there was nowhere for us to go.

“What’s your problem?” I asked in a low voice.

Adam just smirked. I was annoyed, but then our father made his appearance. He took his position in front of the congregation, greeting everyone warmly before starting the service. Tonight, he spoke of the importance of prayer and the role it could play in all our lives.

I usually gave him my undivided attention, but tonight, I glanced around the room, noticing that everyone stared at him like he was some kind of God himself. I couldn’t blame them for them. It was an impressive man.

That thought made me think once again of the way his cock felt buried deep in my mouth. It had been on my mind pretty much constantly since I gave him a blowjob this afternoon. This was the church, and I knew I shouldn’t allow my thoughts to linger on such a thing, but there was no way to turn them off.

In fact, as the service ended, I was wet. It made me nervous about leaving evidence of my arousal on the cushioned pew seat since I was in a dress, so I eagerly got to my feet to belt out the closing hymn and didn’t sit back down again.

That was no problem. I wasn’t the only one. A bunch of the congregation stayed their feet, and most of them headed to my father. I headed over to a corner of the room, getting even more turned on as I fully realized for the first time just how influential he was.

I was so distracted by watching him with desire pulsing through my veins that I didn’t even notice Adam approaching me until he was at my side. Once again, he was too close for comfort.

“What are you-”

“I saw you,” he said, cutting me off.

I froze, meeting his eyes with dawning horror. Hecouldn’tmean…

“W-what did you see?”

He smiled, and there was something about it that made my stomach twist. “You and Dad.”

Oh my God. This can’t be happening.

Adam’s hand clasped around my arm, and he led me away from the crowd of people. There was no rush to his movements, drawing no attention from the people around. He took me to our father’s office in a small hallway just off the chapel.

I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to go with him, but what choice did I have? I wasn’t going to discuss what I did today with him out there, where someone could overhear.

Once we were inside the office, Adam firmly shut the door. I stood in the middle of the room as I watched him with nervousness coursing through me. Adam was looking at me in a way that I’d never seen before. There was stark hunger in his gaze.

What was he going to do?

Almost as if in response to my thought, he walked towards me. My flight instinct kicked in, but there was nowhere to go. The office wasn’t large. There was a desk and bookshelves lined the wall behind it. Adam was standing between me and the only exit.

“You can’t tell anyone,” I said just before he reached me. I wondered if he was also going to demand that I do whatever he wanted in order to keep my secret hidden, but Adam didn’t bother.

It quickly became clear to me that my agreement didn’t really matter as he reached me and spun me around until my face was pressed against a bare stretch of wall. Reaching around from behind me, he grasped the front of my dress in his hands and pulled it open. The buttons that ran down the front went flying and I pulled in a sharp breath as I struggled against him undressing me here in our father’s office.

But just like our father, Adam was stronger than me. He got my dress off, leaving me in only white lacy panties.

“Don’t bother fighting me,” he said, pulling my hair to yank my head to the side, allowing him to lick up my neck. Why the hell did that turn me on so much? “I’ve decided that if you can be a slut for our dad, then you can be a slut for me, too.”

I was pinned to the wall by his body, but when I didn’t respond to his words, he moved back a little to unzip his pants. The next thing I knew, his cock was out, just as erect as our father’s had been earlier today. He rubbed is between my ass cheeks. Then, he gave me a light spank that made my muscles tighten.

“Tell me something, Sienna,” he said. “I always had you pegged as a virgin. Am I right?”

I gulped and nodded. “Yes.”

“Well, then, I’m gonna save your cherry for Daddy.”

“What does that mean?”

His laugh was deep and rich. “It means that I’m going to take something else from you.”