“That’s not what I mean.”

He jerked his head. “Care to take a walk outside? The sky is exceptionally beautiful this time of year, filled with reds, oranges, and yellows. My favorite.”

“Mmm…okay.” I followed him out, but I had no intention of walking. More like, telling him to take a hike.

I stopped just past the porch. “Thank you very much for getting me released from prison, Stark. I appreciate not rottin’ away for a crime I didn’t commit, but that doesn’t change how I feel about you.”

He turned to face me and bobbed his head. “I know.”

“I also appreciate that you cleared my name so that people will stop callin’ me Murder Masie, the Organ Picasso.” And Ginsu, like the knives. There were also Chop Chop and Gutter Trash. Because I’d gutted someone.

“Those were very unjust names.” He tsked. “Social media is a cesspool.”

“And while I appreciate the vote of confidence from the vampires who supported Anna, I’m not her, and they need to know the truth. I won’t lie and make people think I’m someone else.”

He nodded. “I hear you. Every word. However, you are mistaken. They already know the truth.”

“How? When?”

“Humankind may have only found out about vampires yesterday, but I told my people the truth—all of it—weeks ago, after I visited you in prison. It was the only way to make things right.”

“You…told them I’m not Anna?” I folded my arms over my chest.

He nodded. “And it was wrong to ask you to pretend to be her in order to keep power.”

“You did all this just to make things right between us?” I found it hard to believe.

“I did it because I realized there is no darkness inside you. There is only good. It is why your sadness never overtook you or defeated you. It is why I fell in love with you, and how you were able to defy Lazlo after having his blood.”

I’d never even considered that. The night Lazlo died, he’d ordered me not to kill him. I had no problem doing it anyway.

Stark continued, “I want to turn over a new leaf and be strong, like you, Masie Kicklighter. Only a weak man gains power through lies, fear, and manipulation. I can do better.”

Wow. Just…wow.“I’m proud of you, Stark. All grown up.” I smiled.

“Amusing,” he said and then cracked a smile. “And now, I must finish packing up my estate. The Vampire Coexistence Party does not plan on making life easy for the old regime.”

“Where are you going?” I suddenly didn’t want him to leave.

He shrugged. “I do not wish to cause you any more trouble, Masie. You deserve to live without reminders of the past and what I did to you. But do not worry for me; I have other homes.”

Of course he did. “So you’re leaving? For me? And never coming back?”

“Yes. I think it is best. For you.”

It probably was. Lord knew my life hadn’t been right since Stark came into it. It all started when he dumped Fiona to pursue me.

“Regardless,” he added, “you may want to take a few days to truly think about representing the VCP. It is an honor for a human to be given such power. You’ll be able to shape the future of this world.”

I wiggled my lips side to side. “I’ll think about it, but I kinda have my heart set on just managin’ the Flaming Rooster. Uncle Jimmie needs help with the place.”

Stark lowered his head. “I wish you all the luck in the world, Masie Kicklighter.” He turned to leave.


“Yes, Masie?”

“Thank you. You really are a good man.”