His eyes twitched with loathing. And for what? Because I’d fallen into the hands of an evil vampire who’d wanted revenge against him?

I added, “None of this would’ve happened if you hadn’t stolen the love of his life all those years ago. This is your fault!”

Stark charged at me with an open hand, stopping shy of putting it around my neck.

“Go ahead. Kill me. Just like Lazlo killed Anna. What does any of it matter now? She’s gone, and I’m done. Done with you, your kind, and everything else. Just leave me alone. I never want to see you again.”

“Yousay this tome?” he boiled, his chest rapidly rising and falling. “I saved you twice. I proved my feelings, and you just…” He threw his hands in the air. “You banned me from my own home.”

“Oh, boohoo. The almighty Montgomery Stark’s plan to rule the vampire world forever has come to a bitter end. Maybe next time, try winning like the gentleman you claim to be, instead of behaving like Lazlo. Oh, wait. Not so easy, right? Because you’re just like him—a vile, bloodsucking parasite.”

I never saw anyone as angry as Montgomery Stark in that moment. Bottomless fury wrapped in all-consuming bitterness.

“You will pay, Masie. I will destroy you and dance on your grave.” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “Only, you won’t be dead, and no one will hear your cries for mercy ten feet under.”

Before I could respond, he was gone.

I whooshed out a breath.Nowit was time to cry.

I knew he’d protected me the other night. I knew there was a part of me that felt a connection between us. The truth was, maybe I loved him back. At the very least, I wanted him.

But my heart just couldn’t go there. Not ever. Not after these monsters had caused so much pain. I’d watched my family and life fall apart after Daddy’s heart attack, but he hadn’t really died. Their stupid rules kept him from us. Then I’d been terrorized after finding out vampires were real and one of them was stalking me.

Finally, there was Lazlo.

He hadn’t raped me, but what he’d taken was more valuable than my virginity. On our wedding night, instead of making love and being held in the arms of the man I loved, like I’d always dreamed, Lazlo made me beg like a dog for my life as he drank from my thighs. And arms. And neck.

I’d blacked out, only to regain consciousness and find him jerking off while drinking from my breast. In that moment, I could feel my heart slowing, my mind fading, and the light in my soul evaporating. He’d reduced me to nothing more than an empty bag of skin.

But that wasn’t the end of the degradation.

Just when I was blacking out, fearing the worst—that my heart was on death’s doorstep and I’d turn—Lazlo offered me his cock. He’d made sure to nick the tip, where his blood had beaded. “If you want to live and see your sister alive, you will suck it.”

“What am I supposed to do with that? Floss my teeth?” I’d meant it too. The thing was tiny.

Still, what sort of man—vampire or not—did that? It might not be rape, but it was just as ugly. Sex should never be a currency for survival.

After that, I passed out, and when I woke, I went into a rage, demanding Lazlo tell me what happened. With a big, wicked smile, he refused and then gloated over my grief.

Obviously, he’d given me his blood to prevent me from dying, and I hadn’t turned, but only God knew what he’d done to my body. The not-knowing part allowed my mind to come up with all sorts of horrors even if I was medically still a virgin.

Psychologically, Lazlo wanted to break me. He deserved to die.

Evil bastard.

I double-checked all the doors and windows. I showered, got into my silky black PJs, and then passed out.

When I woke early the next morning, it was to three squad cars outside, my front door busted wide open, and a mutilated body on the living room floor.

Fucking Stark.He’d kept his word. He was going to destroy me.

Present Day

“Well, that is one whopper of a story, Masie.” Sheriff Idiot stared across the small table in the interrogation room of the Leiper’s Fork Police Station.

“What?” I snapped. “Every word of what I said is true, Thomas.”

“Montgomery Stark is a vampire? And half the town are vampires?” he said, his voice filled with skepticism. “And they think you’re their queen.”