My heart was beating so loudly, I was sure my left melon was going to jiggle out of its holder.

Fiona scowled at me. “If he is proven wrong, then I will be back for you. Do you hear me, Kicklighter?”

I didn’t respond.

She turned and marched back to her table. The rest of the room returned to their business as if it was all a big nothing.

Stark urged me to retake my seat.

“I’d li-like to go home now,” I stuttered.

“You do not wish to eat?” he asked.


“But it is perfectly safe. For now.”

“You need to tell me what just happened,” I hissed, “or this night is over.” I pointed my finger in his face. As if that would scare him.

He bowed his head and gestured toward the patio.

We stepped outside and followed the path leading around the green.Why the hell do vampires have a golf course?Did they night golf? The thought annoyed me. They had no business doing human things.

I stopped and turned to face him, waiting for his explanation. “Well?”

“I believe you are my Anna.”

“Yes, I know.”

“What I failed to tell you is that she was our queen, our ruler for over two hundred years.”

I took a wide step back.What the fuck? Sorry, Mamma. The swearing seal is permanently broken.

He went on, “If I am right, then it means you are our rightful ruler, Masie.”

I took another big step back, shaking my head. “Uhhh…no.”


“How did we go from spending one sexless night together to me being your reborn vampire queen?” He was crazy. Crazy, dead, and dangerous.

“I intended to work up to that information, Masie. In time. And do not complain; I told you to take the pill. That was all you had to do. My blood is a thousand times stronger than Fiona’s, and you would’ve beaten her with one slap.”

“So your blood was in that pill,” I declared.

“Just a few drops.”

“Enough to brainwash me, right? Then seduce me, have sex with me, do whatever you want.”

His expression soured, animosity in his eyes. “I told you, I am a gentleman. And cheating in games of seduction is not mything.”

I didn’t believe him for a minute, but whatever. “Why did you really bring me here tonight, Stark? What was the plan? Have me fight your ex in my hot leather pants so you could beat off to it later? Then what?”

“I was not certain she would be here. I only knew it was a possibility. After dinner, I planned to show you my home, introduce you—little by little—to my world.”

“And then what?” I scowled, knowing that wasn’t everything.

“There were certain things my Anna enjoyed. I had planned to try them on you and gather proof that you are her reincarnation.”