“So no more vampires in town besides you.”

“I never said that.” He chuckled. “See you tomorrow night, Masie.”

I blinked, and Stark was gone.

“But I don’t know where you…live.” I guessed he would come find me when he was ready to begin our night together.

I just wished I knew what he’d meant. Were there really more of his kind in Leiper’s Fork?

Dear sweet Lord. They could be everywhere.Why hadn’t the thought crossed my mind until now? Montgomery Stark and these three vampires might be the tip of the iceberg.


I got my uncle home and tucked into bed, where he passed out immediately.

I put a tall glass of water on his nightstand along with his cell phone, where I left a note for him to call if he needed even the smallest thing. Otherwise, I’d come by in a few hours to feed his chickens and make breakfast. First, I needed to go home and sleep, even if only a few hours. My mind felt like mashed potatoes, minus Mamma’s delicious gravy.Ain’t nothing good in my head right now.

I put on my white silk PJs, which I reserved for emergencies only—aka very bad days—and slid into bed. But every time I closed my eyes, images of Jimmie’s gushing neck came back to me. Then there was the anxiety of knowing I’d be spending tonight with Montgomery Stark, and he’d made it clear he was after sex.

Did vampires even make love like normal people? Did they bite during the act? Could a human get pregnant from the other kind of “vampire sauce” like I’d seen in movies?

Sickening thoughts of giving birth to some ghostly fanged baby who drank bottled blood stampeded through me.

“Jesus.” I sat up, pushing back my damp hair. I needed to wrangle myself in.

What am I even worried about?It wasn’t like I was gonna open up “Little Masie” for business just because Stark asked. I’d rather die than give my blossom to that creature, and it didn’t matter how smokin’ hot he was.

I am a Kicklighter. We can take the heat.

“Then why the heck are you so obsessed, Masie?” I asked myself.

Maybe because Stark seemed so confident about changing my mind. That meant I needed to be confident in the other direction.

What I needed to focus on tonight was my information gathering. The goal was to remove this vampire from my life and my town. So how did one get rid of a vampire? Like I’d said before, I wasn’t the killing type, but if it came down to that, I had to accept the hand I was dealt.

So how would a nice girl like me kill a vampire? Wooden stake to the heart? Silver bullet? Decapitation?

“Ew. Never mind.” There were no nice ways to kill anything.

I hoped I could just find a way to scare him off. With luck, that information would serve us all well in the future, too. Who knew how many of those wanderers were out there.

Knowing I had a full day ahead and Jimmie wasn’t quite himself, I showered, threw on my favorite jeans and a black Flaming Rooster hoodie. I would head over to check on my uncle and then get to the bar to make sure they were all set for the day—coins, cash, booze, food, and other supplies—before going back to care for Jimmie. Poor man. One minute, he was being attacked by dudes in leather. Next, he was waking up from death.

I stepped out my front door, almost tripping over a large rectangular box with a card tucked under a big red ribbon.

I grabbed the envelope and read the letter:

Dearest Masie,

As agreed, tonight you will be mine the entire evening. A car will pick you up at your home at seven p.m. sharp. You are to wear the outfit I’ve provided and take the pill included inside the box. You must take it at noon. Do not eat anything past that time.

If you do not follow my instructions, there will be blood on your hands.


Montgomery Stark

I shoved the note in my pocket and opened the big box.Leather?