“Then I hope you’re good with your hand.” I turned and headed for my bathroom. “Good night, vampire. I need to shower and hit the hay.”

I was almost to the bathroom when two strong hands grabbed my shoulders and spun me around. I gasped as his pale eyes drilled into me.

“You think I’ll let this go on for much longer?” he growled. “I see right through you.”

I blinked up at him. “If you see through me, Mr. Stark, then tell me what I want. What am I thinkin’ right now?”

He was about to speak, but instead pressed his mouth to mine.

I froze, trying not to panic. I had a deadly savage pressed to my mouth and two sharp fangs a centimeter from my lips.

Relax. Relax. Relax. He hadn’t bitten me yet.

To my surprise, his lips were soft and warm, not cold or repulsive. He breathed into me as his tongue worked inside my mouth. I didn’t join him, fearing I might cut myself.

After a few seconds, my heart started racing again, but for an entirely different reason. His kiss was really…passionate, sensual.

Once again, he’d caught me off guard. I couldn’t get the upper hand.

He slowly broke away, staying close enough so I could still feel his breath on my lips.Vampires breathe. Another piece of info.

“Your heart is beating very fast,” he whispered.

“It means nothing.” A lie. I was out of my depth with this man. He knew what he was doing when it came to seduction.

“Nothing?” he replied skeptically.

“Lots of things make my pulse race,” I said with a breathy voice, “scary movies, hot peppers, too much coffee. Oh, if you’ve seen my mamma drive, bring a defib.” I turned my head away, needing a reprieve. “Try harder next time. Just remember, I’m mortal and don’t have all day.” I stepped into the bathroom, locking myself inside, where I pressed my back to the door.Leave, just leave…

After a few moments, there was a gentle knock.

“Masie?” His voice was low and tender.


“I know the real reason you are pushing me away,” he said.

“Do you?”

“Yes. You are still hurting over the death of your friend,” he said quietly. “And I am sorry for that. Had I understood how precious Deedee was to you, I would have acted.” He paused for a moment. “I am trying to make it up to you, Masie, but please understand; I have not had to think of much besides myself for a few centuries. I am trying to relearn the skill. I want…to be good to you—what you need. You are the first thing that has made me want to stop killing and start living. Won’t you give me a chance?”

He was playing me with this loving-and-gentle act. Right? Everything he’d shown me was that of a ruthless killing machine. Kindness, weakness, and pity were repulsive to him. Take the banjo concert, for example. He’d had no reservations about running off and murdering a bunch of people.

I had to decide right here, right now. If I took the bait, I might win the confidence of a man who secretly yearned to be good, loved. If I didn’t take the bait, I might win the confidence of a man who reveled in being bad.

Think, Masie. Think! He’s bad. You know he is.

I burst out laughing. “Nice try, vampire! Go home. Sell sucker to some other human.”

A low chuckle rumbled through the door. “I think I underestimated you, Masie Kicklighter. You are nothing like my Anna. You are much wilier—a true match for a man like me. Goodnight.”

After I heard the front door close, I let out a sigh of relief. I’d survived another night, but nothing with this creature was going as planned. He wasn’t at all like I’d imagined—ancient, crusty, out of step with the world, and oblivious to human emotions.

This man was crafty, intuitive, sensual, and extremely powerful. How the heck was I going to beat him?


It was official. Montgomery Stark was occupying my head every waking moment. Even in my sleep, I dreamed of fighting and defeating him. Well, except for last night when I dreamed he was naked and—