Fuck. I swiveled on my heel, finding his large frame towering over my five-five body. With wide, terror-filled eyes, I took in the monster standing less than two feet away. He was six three or four, maybe, with shoulder-length, shiny black hair that reminded me of obsidian. His eyes were pale, somewhere between ice blue and a moss green.

I said that because his irises kept shifting colors under the light, like opals. His pronounced cheekbones and angular jawline gave his face an air of refinement, yet nothing about him was delicate.

Just the opposite.

Especially the clearly defined swells of muscled arms beneath his tailored black dress shirt. Or maybe it was that I knew he’d just killed eight men and somehow taken my shotgun.

“Who are you?” I stammered.

With a calm expression, he tilted his head, studying me with a wicked gleam in his iridescent eyes.

I had the distinct impression he was contemplating whether or not to attack me.

I quickly reached for the drawer beside me and grabbed a set of kitchen scissors. “I’ll fuck you up if you come anywhere near me, asshole.” I hated speaking that way, but it had to be done. He had to know I was serious.

I jabbed at the air between us.

Like a switch had been thrown in his head, he smiled. Not sadistically, cruelly, or vindictively, like Tall Guy had, but warmly. “You really think I am here to hurt you?”

“You broke into my house.” I jabbed the scissors at the air again.

“True.” He turned, strolled to the living room, grabbed the remote, and turned on the TV. He sat on my brown leather sofa and leaned back, making himself at home.

What the hell?

Heart racing and adrenaline on max, I stood frozen in the kitchen, unsure what to do next. Run? Go for a better weapon?

Call for help, moron!

My phone was sitting inside my purse on the counter, so I grabbed it and hit the emergency feature.

“Come. Sit, Masie. Let us relax,” he said, just as the nine-one-one operator came on the line.

“Hello?” I said. “I need the police. There’s a man in my house.”

“Stay on the line, ma’am,” she said calmly. “We’ll have someone to your house…” The operator paused. “As soon as possible.”

She probably noticed my location and knew I was screwed. It would take twenty minutes, fifteen at best, for a deputy to arrive.

“Can you get somewhere safe?” she asked. “A bathroom or bedroom door with a lock?”

“Hang up, Masie,” the man on the sofa said with a deep, unencumbered tone. “I’ll be gone before they get anywhere near here.” He kept his gaze focused on the TV.

“Leave. Just leave,” I barked.

“I will go after we’ve had our little chat.” He paused, sighing with impatience. “I could’ve killed you twenty times by now if that were my desire. Now, hang up.”

I’d seen him take out Tall Guy last night, so he was telling the truth. I’d be toast already if killing me was his sole reason for being here, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t hurt me. With the police on the way, my best bet was to stay calm and make nice.

Or, at least, distract him for a while?I really didn’t know.

I ended the call and set my phone on the counter, taking a deep breath.

“How did you clean up all the blood at the bar?” I blurted out. Why I’d chosen that topic, of all the things to talk about, I didn’t know either. Maybe I just wanted to understand what I was up against.

“I consumed it,” he replied bluntly.

That wasn’t the answer I’d expected. Was he kidding?