“Is she healing?” Daddy said at the same time. “She’d better, dammit. My baby can’t turn.”

“Who cares?” said my older sister, Maybell. “Just as long as she doesn’t die. Right?”

Finally, Stark spoke up. “Everyone, stop talking,” he demanded. “I do not know what is happening. It has been over two hours. Generally the person dies, heals, or is born again within the first hour.”

There was a long pause.

“Well, what the flippin’ heck is wrong with my daughter?” Mamma barked.

“Darlin’,” said Daddy, “I think what Mr. Stark is trying to say is that he doesn’t know.”

Stark probably didn’t appreciate Daddy calling that out. Vampires were notoriously prideful.More arrogant than an Alabama beauty queen at an apple festival.

“What are we going to do?” Mamma began sobbing. “I need to know what’s happenin’ to my baby.”

“I am sorry, Mrs. Kicklighter,” Stark said in his usual deep, authoritative voice, “but all we can do is wait. Masie’s body will determine the outcome when it is ready.”

But I’m here! I’m awake and better than ever. Totally healed.I tried to open my mouth and call to them, but nothing happened. Then I attempted to move my arms and legs. Nothing.

Holy hotcakes. What-what’s wrong with me?

Stark! Stark! Can you hear me?My mouth remained immobile, and that was when I realized the heap-o-turds I was in. Stark once told me that this transformation business wasn’t a science. He said it was a matter of the heart, and my heart didn’t feel right.

Lord no.I was apparently stuck between life and death, my heart unable to decide how to move forward.

My parents came into the room, and Mamma took my hand. “Masie, sweetheart, if you can hear me, your daddy and I want you to know how much we love you. And, yes, living with him has been a challenge. Darn man sleeps all day. But you know what hasn’t changed? How much we love our children. We are so proud of the kind, responsible person you’ve become, Masie.” She lowered her face into view. “That being said,” she snarled, “I’m your damned mamma, and you will do as you are told. Now getchur ass back here this second. You hear me?”

I couldn’t believe it; Mamma was swearing!

Mamma went on, “I don’t give a hollering hoot if you become a vampire. I got your daddy back after ten damned years, and I’m not going to go through this heartache again.” She took a long moment and inhaled deeply. “You come back to us, Masie. And if it’s as a human, I’ll cook your favorite meal—buttermilk fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and gravy. If it’s vampire, well, Daddy can help you find something tasty, I’m sure. He’s real good at that. Don’t hurt people while he sucks on them neither. I would know.”

Ew.My daddy was drinking from Mamma? I did not need to know that.

She kissed my forehead. “I love you, Masie.”

“What your mother said.” Daddy kissed my cheek, and I heard them step out of the room.

“Masie? It’s Maybell. If you can hear me, I want you to know you are a pain-in-the-ass, bossy little sister—and I mean that literally because you’re my boss—but I don’t know what I would do without you.” She began sobbing. “So you figure your shit out, okay? And you come back. Just don’t die. Anything but that. I love you.” She left the room too.

Well, shit.I didn’t know what was wrong with me, but one thing was certain, I didn’t want to do this to my family.

The question was, did it matter what I wanted? Maybe this was just my time to go. Because I sure as hell didn’t want to be a vampire.

“They are gone now, Masie. Your mother and sister need rest, and your father, well, the sun will be up soon.” Stark sat next to me on the edge of the large bed.

I couldn’t move my head to take in the room, but he’d lit a fire, that much I knew. I could smell the light scent of smoke mixing with Stark’s plug-in.

I wanted to ask why he was here next to me. If the sunrise was just around the corner, then he needed to go to…

Actually, I still wasn’t sure where vampires slept. In a hidey-hole in a wall? Maybe Stark slept in a coffin in the basement where he had his little sex room.

Stark leaned over me, brushing my hair from my face. “Worry not, Masie. I will stay by your side until you’ve decided what you want.”

I stared straight up, of course. Wasn’t much else to do. But did he know I was listening? He had to.

“Do not concern yourself for the sunlight,” he added. “This is my bedroom. It has sunproof shutters, and my home remains well protected.”

Protected from what?I guessed his political enemies. The man didn’t have a lot of friends lately, which was kind of on account of me. He really had given up everything—except his money, good looks, and vampire abilities—to make things right between us.