He strolled up, a smug smile on his pale face. “Hello, wife.”

I took two steps back. “No.”

He stopped inches in front of me. “Word to the wise, never dump a charred vampire in the swamp. It’s got far too many snacks.”

Oh Lord. Just like in the movies. This was one myth they’d left out of the guide.

I turned to run, but he caught me by the neck, jerking me to the ground with a hard thump.

He straddled my body and lowered his face to mine, displaying a set of sharp incisors. “I told you, Masie. Never forget what I’m capable of.” He lunged his head, pushing his fangs into my neck.

“Lazlo, save some for me, and don’t forget you promised to let me turn her.” Fiona’s wicked face peeked out from behind Lazlo.

No, dear Lord.Fiona wanted to be my maker.

I tried to scream, but it was no use. I could hardly breathe.

Within seconds, the memories of our wedding night returned. My vision got fuzzy, my limbs felt numb, and my mind was fading.

Fiona’s mouth clamped down on my wrist, and she began sucking, too.

No, no, no…My heart began beating erratically.

My limbs flailed, and I struck him hard, but each punch sent pain through my fist. He was rock solid.

Tears streamed from the corners of my eyes. I didn’t want this.

“You are almost there, my love,” said Lazlo. “Just a few more seconds.”

Fiona shoved her finger into my mouth. The taste of sour copper washed over my tongue. Her blood.

“This is taking too long.” She pinched my nose and covered my mouth. She was trying to suffocate me.

Oh God.I had to be between death and life in order to transform.

“No…” I mumbled against her palm.

The view around them faded to a one-inch ball of light.

Suddenly, Lazlo was off me, and I could breathe again. I heard the faint noise of a struggle, followed by the crunching of bones.

“Masie!” Stark hovered over me, his eyes dark. He scooped me into his arms as I drew a shallow breath.

He began rocking me against him. “Fucking hell. I’m so sorry, Masie.”

I began to sob. “Am I going to turn? Please tell me I’m not going to turn.”

He held my head to his chest and stroked my hair. “I do not know, Masie. I do not know.”

I turned my body toward him and curled into a ball as I felt myself falling to sleep.

“I will see you in one hour,” he said quietly.


I lay in bed in the dark, listening to my frantic family outside in the hallway as they spoke to Stark. I assumed we were at his place because I could smell cinnamon.Holiday spice.

“Well? Is Masie a vampire?” Mamma asked.