I inhaled slowly and rallied what little fight I had left in me. “Who’s going to stop me, Lazlo? You? Because if you do, if you defy me, then no one will believe I’m really Anna—the all-powerful human leader, returned to finish her vision of bringing about the great vampire outing.” That was what he wanted, for vampires to come out of the shadows and to dethrone the Party. He wanted to kneecap Stark. “The way I see it, after tonight, you’re stuck with this charade.”

“You little bitch. You are not in charge here.”

“Then decide,” I snapped. “Decide right now. Kill Maybell and me, and you won’t get to take down the Party. Or you can let us go. Which do you want more?”

I could tell by his flat lips and flaring nostrils that he didn’t appreciate me blackmailing him like this.

“Don’t worry,husband,” I spat, “I’ll tell everyone that we had a squabble—that you wanted to turn me so our love would be eternal and I said no, that this time around, I wanted to stay human and enjoy my life.”

He rubbed his chin. “I do see how that might work. Anna would not want to keep power forever. She always said that it belonged in the hands of the people.”

“There. You see. It’s a win-win.” I leaned back in the seat, lacing my fingers together. Anna sounded like she’d been a very complicated person, far too interesting to ever love this jackass.

“Except that you are my wife, and you belong by my side.”

“That wasn’t a real marriage.” There had been no church. No friends and family to witness the ceremony. The entire event consisted of two other vampires watching Lazlo and I sign a piece of paper stating we were married. We all signed in blood. Afterwards, they each took turns licking my bleeding palm. I’d been sure they were going to kill me, and part of me wished they had. The night had only gone downhill from there. I still wasn’t able to fully process it.

In short, Stark had been telling the truth when he’d said that vampires considered rape to be beneath them. What he hadn’t told me was they were capable of doing things that were just as low and demeaning.

Lazlo shrugged. “Perfectly legal under vampire law.”

I stared ahead. “I’m not a vampire.”

He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. “I can change that, Masie. I can change that for your sister, too. Always remember that.”

How could I forget?

“How much longer until we arrive?” I wanted to get this over with and get far, far away from this monster.

“Just another hour. In the meantime, let us go over what you must say.”

The great hall wasn’t what I expected. When we pulled up, the building looked like your average office complex with square windows, ten stories, and concrete-gray exterior. Lazlo’s entourage was already waiting, minus Fiona. I hadn’t seen her since my kidnapping, and I could only assume she was trying to get Stark back now that I was out of the picture.

We entered through the lobby and were greeted by armed security guards, who directed us to the elevator bank.

“When we enter the room, Masie, you are to stay by my side. Do you understand? Our enemies will be everywhere,” Lazlo said.

“You mean Stark will be here.”

A wicked smile twitched across Lazlo’s lips. “Of course.”

“Why do you hate him so much? What did he do besides marry his own mate?”

Lazlo laughed uncomfortably, eyeing the vampires around us. “Oh, my love, your memory of the past is still foggy. Montgomery Stark forced you to marry him, but you lovedme.”

Doubtful.No one could love this man.

We got inside the elevator and took it down to the basement. When the doors slid open, we proceeded to a long hallway until we reached a set of doors where another security guard stood waiting. He nodded and opened the door for us.

Music poured out into the hallway, and I could smell smoke and something charred—like hair and meat mixed with chemicals.

“What’s burning?” I asked.

“Do not worry,Anna. Once you see inside, I’m sure you will remember.” He offered me his arm, and I took it begrudgingly.

We entered the big smokey basement room, which was lit by giant candles perched on tall silver pillars in the corners.

I waved my hand in front of my face, coughing. “I can’t breathe in here.”