He added, “And then, as he looks on, feeling the sting of public humiliation, you will tell him how I was and still am the love of your existence, which is why you chose to marry me.”

“Anything else?” I snarled. “Would you like me to tell everyone what a big dick you have and that you’re the world’s greatest lover, too?”

He shrugged. “Couldn’t hurt.”

I wanted to stomp him in the fangs. “Just give me your word you won’t hurt my sister, and you’ll let her go.”

He bowed his head. “Do as I say, and all will be set right in the world.” He turned to leave. “Someone will be by shortly to prepare you for tonight’s wedding ceremony. I expect you to serve me lovingly tonight, Masie. As a new bride should with her adoring new husband.”

He left, and the door closed, shutting off my view of Maybell. But I could hear her muted screams as they dragged her away.

The pressure valve released, and I began to cry. It was the only thing I could do. They had me by the heart.


Two days later…

Lazlo had allowed me to see Maybell only once since the other night, and I hoped with all my heart he’d keep his word and let her go tonight after the wedding reception, where I would give my speech.

“Are you ready, wife?” Lazlo appeared in the doorway, wearing a beautiful black suit with sleek lines. It looked wrong on him. A black hooded robe, like the Grim Reaper wore, was more his speed.

Lazlo’s ghostly pallid eyes washed over me in my satin red gown. The hem reached the floor, and the plunging neckline left little to the imagination. I hated it. I hated looking sexy for this monster.

“You look breathtaking.” He walked over and bent his head to kiss my lips.

I remained still and didn’t kiss him back. How could I? Not after everything he’d done to me on our wedding night. Vile. Horrible things.

My skin broke out in a cold shiver as I pushed away the memories of the last forty-eight hours. If I let them in, even for a second, I’d crumble.

He brushed his thumb over my bottom lip, licking his own. “Do not worry, wife, with time, you will learn to enjoy it. Now come. We don’t want to be late, and you must travel by car to get there. Wouldn’t want you to ruin your pretty dress.”

He let me out of the room and led me through the corridors of the old run-down house. I still didn’t know where we were, but at this point, it didn’t really matter. I just cared about Maybell getting free, and tonight was the final part of our deal.

We stepped outside into the muggy night air where twenty more vampires waited, eyeing me with suspicion. They each bowed their heads as I passed by with Lazlo, my new husband.

We got in the back of the waiting car and headed out, down a long dirt driveway lined with thick trees and brush. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say we were in swampland.

Seemed appropriate for this gang of bloodsucking assholes.

“Are you clear on what you’re to say tonight, Masie?” Lazlo asked after a few minutes.


“Good girl.”

Was I? Was I really good?

Because I sure the hell didn’t feel like it. I hadn’t put up a fight or even attempted to escape. I’d just capitulated and betrayed everything I believed in, everything that I was. Yes, I’d done it to save Maybell, but that didn’t mean I felt proud.

“After tonight, I want you to set me free,” I muttered.

“Free?” He chuckled. “But we are married.”

“I’m not living the rest of my life with you. I’m not sacrificing one more Goddamned thing. After tonight, I’m going home with Maybell.”

His gray eyes twitched with the light of a passing car. “You know I cannot allow that. You are far too important to be left unprotected. You wouldn’t last a week.”

Maybe not, but I wouldn’t last a week with him either. He was the most evil, sadistic prick to ever walk the earth. After two days, I’d rather die than spend another minute in his presence.