When we finally stopped moving, I had me a splitting headache, but I could live with that. What worried me was how far we’d traveled. Was I hours from home? Days? On another planet? It was anyone’s guess.

They marched me inside a building—house, shack, warehouse, I didn’t know—and threw me in a room, locking the door behind me. I slid off my bag and looked at my sad prison with a boarded-up window. There was a bed with a rotten mattress. No blanket. Off to the side was a bathroom, but everything was covered in an inch of mold and grime.

“Dear Lord, ain’t they heard of bleach?” I muttered. For heaven’s sake, they were vampires. Surely they had to remove a bloodstain every now and again.

I went to the sink, thankful that the water came out clear from the faucet. I rinsed my face, mouth, and hair to remove as much of the vomit as I could. There wasn’t anything to be done about my leather bustier.

I walked over to the door, noting the peeling paint and scratch marks. I wasn’t their first guest.

I pressed my ear to the wood, listening to the muted sounds of voices, maybe four or five individuals carrying on like they were having a smoke out.

Son of a weed whacker. I went over and sat on the bed, my head throbbing from the journey.

After several minutes of knocking around my thoughts, I realized there was only one reason for snatching me up instead of flicking off my lights: They wanted to prove Iwasn’tAnna.

Stark had already thrown down the gauntlet earlier tonight, claiming I was the resurrected love of his life. And if he planned to use me to maintain power behind the scenes, then his rivals would want the opposite.Overthrow the Party. Prove I am not Anna.Which would make me Stark’s useless weapon.

The door flew open, and in strolled a tall man in a black suit, with silver hair to his shoulders and cold gray eyes. His skin looked so pale it could’ve been made of stone.

“Hello, Masie Kicklighter. I am Lazlo.”

I continued staring, waiting for this to play out.

“You do not remember me?” he asked.

I said nothing.

He laughed. “Didn’t think so.”

“I don’t want nothin’ to do with vampire politics, so whatever you’re after, or think I’m doing for Stark, you’re wastin’ your sweet time, Lazlo.”

He leaned his tall frame against the doorway. “I understand you are the reincarnation of our beloved Anna.”

Since I didn’t know the best answer to get me out of here, I kept my mouth shut.

“All right.” He walked over and leaned in front of my face. Apparently my smell didn’t bother him. “I know you are not her, but news travels fast, and the night air is abuzz with your name, Masie. They are proclaiming you are our long-lost queen, returned to finish her work.”

So was I right? Did he want to blow up the reincarnation theory? “Can we just get on with whatever it is you want? These pants are chappin’ my lady pumpkins.”

“Anna was my lover.” He smiled wickedly, flashing a set of razor-sharp fangs. “Therefore, for public appearances’ sake, it seems logical that we pick up where things left off, only this time I am going to marry you.”

Boy, had I been way, waaay off. This guy was all in on the Anna-revival story. And if Stark’s mate had been Lazlo’s lover, then it was safe to assume Lazlo and Stark were more than just political rivals. Two men in love with the same woman equaled a pissing match.

“Sounds like you and Stark have some old scores to settle.” I stared him right in the creepy dead-fish-colored eyes. “But you two gents have to fight it out alone because you and I are not tying the knot.” I wouldn’t even let him tie my shoe.

“Oh, but you will.” Lazlo snapped his fingers, and another vampire male appeared behind him in the hallway, holding Maybell. She had a gag in her mouth, her hands were tied, and her face was covered in snot and tears.

My heart snapped like an old rubber band, and the fight drained out of me.

“Let her go,” I said.

“Uh, uh, uh…” Lazlo wagged a pale finger. “Not until I’ve been given what I want.”

“Fine. You win. I’ll marry you. Just let Maybell go.”

“I haven’t told you the terms yet, Masie.” He drew a triumphant breath. “After we are married, you will stand in the great hall and tell everyone that youareAnna, that Montgomery Stark ended your life, and you’ve come for your revenge.”

Sweet Lord.