“Vampires are on the brink of civil war, Masie. The movement to live more freely grows every day, but the Party is doing everything it can to keep control behind the scenes, and Stark is their leader. He doesn’t want to share power or come out of the shadows. That was Anna’s vision, to live openly with humans. Some people say that’s why Stark killed her.”

Hello, major bombshell.“If everything you’re saying is true, then why’s Stark tryin’ so hard to prove I’m Anna? Wouldn’t he just want her to stay dead?” Because it sounded like she’d gotten in his way.

“Aside from the rumors that he sees you as his second chance at love? I’m not sure.”


“Anna was like a god to them. There are books, scriptures, paintings, and songs. They even have holidays to honor her birth, her rebirth, and her death. If Stark can control you, then he could easily manipulate the masses.”

A political puppet to keep his power. “Thank you, Charlie.”

“Just remember me if you end up on the throne. I know a lot of influential vampires who’ll support you taking down the Party. Peacefully.”

Yep. He’s nuts.Hell no would I be getting involved in vampire politics.

I gave Charlie the code for the gate, and it slid open. We pulled forward.

Suddenly, I heard a loud crash, and glass flew everywhere.

A hand reached inside the broken window to my side and opened the door. In my periphery, I noticed Charlie was no longer behind the wheel, but the car was still moving.

“Charlie!” I yelled.

The hand grabbed me by the hair and yanked me out. I tumbled to the ground, rolling away from the car. Tiny sharp rocks dug into my arms and shoulders, but my leather pants kept my hips and knees protected.

My body came to a stop, and I tried to get up, but someone took hold of my neck and was pinning me down.

“You think you’re going to take my man and our power, little human?” the woman growled.

It was Fiona. I recognized her slithery, bitchy tone.

“You can have him,” I whimpered.

“And I will. After he gives up his little obsession.” She growled. “Why couldn’t that useless gas station redneck finish you off?”

Redneck? Gas station?She had to mean Ronnie. It was all Fiona’s doing. She must’ve gotten to Ronnie and given him her blood somehow. She’d told him to kill me.

If I weren’t so busy dying, I’d feel sorry for the man. Charlie said Ronnie had been a good person.

Off in the distance, I heard Charlie yelp, followed by the sound of bones crushing.

Oh no. Charlie…

“Stark’s gonna wring your neck like a wet rag for this, Fiona.”

She cackled. “Who’s going to tell him?”


After being vampire-napped, Fiona and her henchmen put a cloth bag over my head. I really wished they hadn’t because their natural mode of travel—running lightning fast—left me dizzy and my stomach in quivering knots.

I threw up a little, and then I had to smell it, which made me puke more. Thankfully, I’d skipped dinner.

“Please,” I begged, “take the bag off.”

Whoever was carrying me just laughed.

I guessed that was why Stark had ordered a car for me before. The human body, at least mine, wasn’t used to traveling at the speed of sound like some supersonic jet pilot.