“I will begin with the large gentleman who tried to win you.” Stark turned to walk away.

“Wait. Stop! You can’t do that.Iflirted withhim, not the other way around.”

The vampire paused and shrugged.

“You can’t just kill all these people,” I argued.

He held up his hand, splaying his five fingers. “I only count five who will die.”

“No,” I protested.

“Those women attacked you. Had I not been here to stop them, you surely would’ve ended up in the hospital. Again.”

“But I’m fine.” Not really. I had the worst headache, and my knuckles were throbbing like a son of a gun. I’d never hit anyone like that before and didn’t know what to make of it. Maybe Stark was right; there was a darkness inside me. Or maybe the top was finally coming off of my bottled-up emotions. A whole decade of them.

“What do you care if these peasants become my feast for tonight?” Stark strutted over and pinched my chin, forcing me to meet his icy gaze. “You are a fierce, uncaring creature, Masie. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you will accept me.”

Oh Lord. Think, Masie. Think.“You’re right. I don’t care about them. They’re nothing—not even worth the work you’ll have to do to cover up their deaths, but I’m sure you can find less problematic meals elsewhere.”

“And what about the male you were speaking to? Are you telling me you do not desire him? Because I will not have it, Masie. I will destroy anyone who tempts you.”

Okay. Wow. Vampire jealousy sure was easy to trigger—way worse than any human male I’d ever seen. All I did was chat the boy up for ten seconds. I’d have to be more careful.

For the moment, however, I wasn’t sure what to do. I had to convince Montgomery not to slaughter the poor guy, and begging seemed like a bad idea. Such a dark creature might not respect it.

I lifted my chin, staring him down. “Okay. Kill the guy. Just know that I’m a woman, and I have needs. I won’t apologize for it, or for the fact that my pleasure requires a…”Forgive me, Mamma, for the X-rated words I’m about to say to this man,“a big, hard cock. So I guess you’ll have to kill anyone who fits the bill.” I shrugged, a defiant gleam in my eyes. “Suit yourself, Mr. Stark.”

My argument was stupid at best. I’d never choose a man based on the size of his sausage.

The vampire bent his head, placing our lips an inch apart. “If you truly believe any large cock will do, then you have never been properly fucked. I will correct that immediately.” He took my hand. “Come now.”

I dug in my boot heels and jerked my hand away. “I ain’t sleeping with you.”

“Why not? You said you have needs.” His voice was all superior smugness.

“Because…because…” I would never, ever sleep with this creature. And I certainly wouldn’t let my first time be with a man I didn’t love. “’Cause I don’t like you.” I strutted past him, trembling with pure fear while pretending I owned the world and everything in it, including him.

I stopped, pivoted, and flashed a sassy little snarl. “You want me? You’ll have to earn it. Otherwise, fu-fuck off.” I pointed a finger at him. “And if someone insults me, touches me, or violates my space, I’ll take care of them however I see fit. Not you.” I grinned ear to ear. “Welcome to the modern world, Stark. Catch up.”

His dark eyes glittered with what could only be described as excitement.

I strolled outside, holding in my beer. I wanted to throw up from nerves, but I had no doubt he was still watching. I had to keep it together.

It took several moments to realized that my little performance had worked. My ballsy show of strength completely defused the situation.

I pulled out my phone, summoned a ride, which was thankfully half a block away, and headed home. I texted Ashley to let her know my ride’s details.

Ashley:Good thing you left early. Bunch of losers started kicking the crap out of each other.

Montgomery must’ve unfrozen everyone, and they just continued brawling.

Me:Anyone hurt?

Ashley:No, but the cops are here arresting people. Concert’s a bust.

I exhaled sharply and flung my head back. I’d averted a massacre, but nothing had changed; I still didn’t know the rules or my opponent.

Wait. Not entirely true.Tonight I’d learned that Stark wouldn’t hesitate to act on his jealousy. Any tactics involving other men were off the table. I’d also learned that he only respected strength, and he liked a challenge. Stark hadn’t flinched when I told him he had to win me over. In fact, he seemed genuinely into it.