Dump, yes, but it made a ton of money and had authentic gritty charm. But whatever. I was just glad she didn’t feel snubbed.

“Thank you, Thomas,” I replied to Sheriff Idiot, only giving him half my attention. The evening rush would start soon, and I needed to finish. “Dangit.” I’d hit erase by accident. Now I needed to start over.

“So,” he grinned, “were you dreamin’ of me the other night?”

“Huh?” I said.

“That call.”

I glanced up. He was gloating.

“Yes, I guess Iwasdreaming of you,” I said blandly. “I was being attacked by a baboon’s behind.”

His smile melted away. “Go on. Keep making fun, Masie. But we both know I’m the one you come running to when you’re scared and need help.”

I stopped typing with my finger and stared. “You’re the sheriff, bonehead. Everyone calls you.”

He winked. “Keep tellin’ yourself that, darlin’.”

I made a sour face. I didn’t have time for this. Also, I needed to figure out what to do about this Stark creature.Dear Lord, I can’t believe I just said “creature” to myself. Is this really happening?

“Thomas, can I ask you a question?”

“No, I won’t divorce Lizzy for you. I can string you along if you want, but it’ll only be a sweet, dirty fling.”

“Ew. Stop it. Did anyone go missin’ the other night?”

He gave me a strange look. “Why?”

I needed to know if Montgomery Stark had really killed someone because of my disobedience. “I just heard some gossip around town. You know. And since they haven’t caught that Ronnie guy or his friends, well…”

“You got nothin’ to worry about, Masie. Those sons-o-bitches are on the run. They won’t be coming anywhere near Leiper’s Fork.”

Not exactly true. Yes, Ronnie was dead-dead, but it sounded like his posse was re-alive, or whatever you called a creature of the night. “You didn’t answer my question.”

“Old Merril’s wife called this morning. Says he never came home after his lodge meetin’ the other night. But you know how those old boys get. He probably passed out and ended up on someone’s couch. He’ll turn up eventually. Always does.”

God, I hoped so.

Thomas stood up, likely about to go fish for a snack in the kitchen. No one ever stopped him because he spent so much time in our parking lot. Of course, he was usually taking naps, but it was still convenient—like having private security. “Masie, I didn’t want to mention this, but you’ll probably hear it from someone tonight.”

“What?” I asked.

“Some kids were in the cemetery the other night.”

“And?” I raised a brow.

“They, uh, tried to dig up Deedee.”

“What?” I gasped.

“Yeah, they didn’t do any harm or nothing. Just a lot of loose dirt everywhere. Looks like they chickened out and stopped diggin’ after a foot or so.”

This was Montgomery Stark’s doing. He probably wanted me to know he’d kept his word about burying Ronnie next to his victim. It was a horrible way to honor Deedee.

“Some people are so sick.” I shook my head, truly feeling disgusted. “Hope you catch the little turds.”

“Yup. You have a good night, Masie.” He tipped his hat and disappeared into the back while I completed the setup. In the back of my mind, I was only just beginning to digest the reality of my situation. The Flaming Rooster was now my bar, and Leiper’s Fork was my home. So as terrified as I felt, I couldn’t let this dark, miserable creature run me out of town. Montgomery Stark could threaten me all he wanted, but I was not going to be his or vacate my life.