He ran wildly through the football field, his laughter filling the air.

That was our son. A product of our love.

And I was so blessed to be able to see him run free in this moment, with his wonderful mother and my mate beside me.

“Did you ever think we’d make it here?” I asked her, taking her hand in mine.

“I hoped,” Summer said, looking at me fondly. “And now? Now I’m looking forward to our future.”

I’d once imagined football as part of my future, and the twinge still in my leg was a reminder that it never would be. It had taken me time to let go of that dream, to move past the anger of a missed opportunity.

It had taken me time, therapy, and the best pack I could ask for to help me realize that I still had something to offer. That I could be the alpha Summer needed, that I could be who I needed to be, to provide and take care of them. That I was so much more than my time on this field.

Grateful. That was what I was at this moment. Grateful for my mate, my pack and the friendships we formed, for the start of something new with Miller, and especially for that little boy who held my heart captive.

“Do you want more kids?” I asked Summer, stroking my thumb over her hand.

I could just imagine her round and swollen with our babies, all of us fussing over her. Theo would be the best big brother ever, showing him or her all of his toys and watching over them like the kind hearted boy he was.

“If it happens, it happens,” she said with a smile. “But I wouldn’t mind seeing a little girl with Miles’ hair, or a little one with Miller and Dean’s eyes.”

“Hollow help us if they have Bash’s attitude,” I said with a warm laugh.

“Oh god,” she said with a chuckle. “We wouldn’t stand a chance with two of them.”

“Two of them?” I challenged. “Don’t think I missed his sass rubbing off on you, Shortcake.”

Theo joined us then, the three of us laughing and enjoying our picnic together until the rest of our family came to pick us up and help us home.

This field may have been the start of Summer and I’s story, but it was now just a page in a very long chapter to come.



My head cocked to the side as I took in the painting hanging on the wall. Bash was showcasing it proudly, jazz hands and all as he waited for my opinion.

"That's your ass," I said, holding back laughter.

"And Dean's, balls, shaft, and all," he said proudly. We shared a look before we both burst out into laughter. "Okay, what about the rest?"

My opinion on Bash's nest didn't really matter but if he wanted it, I was excited to give it.

I took a breath in, loving the mix of scents from our pack. Though Bash and Dean's were by far the most prominent. That made sense, they were a couple among the pack. Until I came along to mix things up.

The walls were painted a soft sage green and the bedding was fluffy and white, but the rest was an artistic blend of colors. Aside from the X-Rated paintings above the bed, there were smaller paintings around the room. Some were sketches overlaid on a blend of watercolors, just enough to brighten it but the drawing still stood out.

"Who did these?" I asked. He blushed at my question, answering it without words. "You? How did I not know you were an artist."

He laughed. "I'm really not. I just like to mess around with these when I’m not working on cars. Plus, this pack thing happened quickly, we have our whole lives to get to know all the little secrets we have yet to share."

"Forever sounds kind of amazing," I said quietly.

He pulled me in and hugged me tight. I breathed in his lemon laced scent and sighed happily. It was crazy how far we'd come from that first day my car was towed into their shop.

"This nest is just missing one thing," he said, his voice comically somber.

Pulling away from him I looked around, trying to see what it could be. It was really just to fuck with him. I knew exactly what he wanted, but I'd give him his dramatics for now.