She thought sweet tea on the porch could fix anything and was always necessary for catching up. I smiled and settled into the cozy wicker chair, Theo already rushing off to his toys and creating a mud track through her yard.

"It's nice to have a kid around again. I've missed the messes and little silly conversations," she mused as she brought out a pitcher and two glasses. Theo's cup tucked in the crook of her arm.

"It's nice being back," I countered. "Holiday Hollow has a way of dragging you back in, doesn't it?"

"That or a nice, handsome pack," she shot back with a cackle of laughter. My cheeks flushed and I gave her an eye roll.

"That does help," I relented. "They're overwhelming sometimes, but it's because I'm so used to being independent."

She raised her glass to that. "I raised you that way." The pride in her voice had me biting back a smile. She was the epitome of independence and was honestly thriving.

My parents were too caught up with work and each other to really take care of me. I grew up here with my Grandma Beatty, all of my best memories were with her. She would get to see me raise my son and have a pack, something my parents never managed to do properly. They loved me and I loved them, they just didn’t get me quite like my Holiday Hollow family.

"The guys love Theo and are always fussing over me. I think when that calms, it will be perfect. We're still learning each other. I don't know much about most of them."

"That comes with time," she reassured me. I took a sip of tea and nodded.

"It does. I'm not running away from it. I think I just need to adjust to all the people in Theo's life now. I needed to see him with my own eyes after and make sure he was alright."

Looking over the yard that was my home growing up I couldn't help the pang of frustration. I didn't want to leave here. Beatty loved having us around and I knew the moment we moved, she'd be lonely even if she was too stubborn to admit it. For a moment I wondered if the guys would mind helping fill the empty rooms in this huge house and keep the packhouse for heats and moments we needed to get away.

No, that was crazy.

My heart was torn in two, between the life here and a life with them. It was up to me to figure out what I needed to meld the two together.

Chewing on my lip I pulled out my phone and tapped on Bash's name.

Summer: I want to go on a date, just us two.

Bash: Kinky, I'm in.

I laughed at his response, knowing I picked the right guy first.

Summer: Then one with both you and Dean, then the same one on one with the others.

Bash: Leave it to me, I'll coordinate schedules and get the guys on planning some.

Summer: You're too good to me, Bash

Bash: Nah, I'm as good as you deserve. You're the same for us. Balance, right?

I smiled at that. It was as if the omega knew exactly where my head was at.

Summer: That's what I'm trying to find.

Bash: Being in a pack doesn't mean you can't have time alone. Just tell us what you need and we won't hesitate to make it happen. We all have boundaries and we respect those around here.

My entire body sagged in relief and my eyes burned with unshed tears. He had, with one text, put my fears to rest. I knew that I could trust them but he had given me the exact reassurance I needed to be all in as well.


Now just to figure out what that meant for me.



Ihated to see Summer go, but I also understood what it was like to feel overwhelmed.