"Nope," Riley agreed. "I'd come after you." Claire giggled as he nuzzled in her neck, kissing her before backing away. Oddly they didn't make us feel like we were intruding, it just felt natural.

"Mates are exhausting, but amazing," Autumn agreed as she lifted her glass. I clinked mine against hers and so did the others. Except for Lindsay. She was focused on the bar again, her eyes drinking in the gorgeous triplets working behind it.

Riley and Claire met my gaze, all of us suppressing laughter. Lindsay was the queen of denial at this point.

"I'm going to grab a water," I said, standing up and heading for the bar.

I was feeling flushed and it wasn’t just from the drinks and dancing. That little display Riley and Claire had put on had me thinking of the way Cole had touched me on the porch, the way Dean had sat me on his lap and they’d all rallied together for me.

I took a seat at the bar and pulled out my phone. Dustin sat down a water in front of me with a knowing look.

“Thanks,” I told him before looking at my messages.

Cole: I’m the luckiest alpha alive.

Dean: We are. You’re stunning, Summer. I can’t believe I get to see that in person when I pick you up.

Miller: If anyone gives you trouble, you let us know. I called Adam and asked him to keep an eye on our beautiful girl.

I had no idea who Adam was, but I was a bit more focused on the fact that Miller called me beautiful, and that Dean was the one picking me up. All of them made me feel so damn special, although Bash’s next text had me flushing hotter and downing the rest of my water.

My head spun as I sat the glass down and I cursed under my breath.

"You alright?" one of the triplets asked. He was an alpha, and he was looking at me with a gaze full of concern.

"Good, but can I get another water?"

"Of course," he said, fixing it and sliding it over. “I’m Adam if you need anything. You met my brother Dustin earlier.”

I nodded, accepting the water.

Clearly I looked like a mess if he was concerned. Not to mention if this was the man that Miller had called, it made sense he was looking out for me. My body broke out into a sweat, and I took my time drinking down the second glass of icy liquid. Even after I was done, I was still hot and sticky.

It took my slightly tipsy brain too long to realize what was happening. I re-opened the group chat with the guys, needing to get out of here. Claire and the others would understand.

Summer: I think I'm having a wave of heat. It's not hit yet, but I need to get out of here. Pick me up?

Miller: Are you okay?

Summer: Just dizzy and hot, but fine.

Dean: Bash and I are already in town, be there in less than five.

Thank god the guys were already on their way. I stood up, taking a deep breath to steady myself, before fighting my way back to our table.

"Hey, I have to run," I said. "Sorry, I don't feel so hot."

"You do look pale," Claire said before realization struck. "Oh, are you?"

"Just a pre-wave, I think," I said. Claire had always read me like a book. Plus, she was an omega too, she understood these kinds of things.

"We'll walk you out," Autumn said, draining her glass and grabbing her purse before hooking her arm in mine. Her bright smile and the way she took charge had my nerves settling. Dean pulled up as soon as we stepped outside, and I didn't hesitate to wave goodbye and climb in.

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Claire called.

“Which means do everything!!” Riley echoed, the four of them giggling on the curb.

"You alright?" Bash asked, climbing over the middle console and back into the seat next to me. I snorted at his antics but snuggled into his side. Taking a greedy inhale of his fresh lemon scent that had me squirming in the seat.