Bash's hand rested on my thigh, trying to offer comfort, but I could feel his fingers trembling. Summer had us all worried. This was not just a normal migraine, and according to Cole she didn't have a history of them.
Summer was a bit more coherent when we pulled up, managing to walk inside, and the nurses immediately rushed her back after taking one look at her. We were forced to the waiting room. I wanted to fight and demand to go with her, but dad held me back.
"They'll take care of her," he promised. "She was already coming out of it when we got here. We'll be here when she's done. Let them do their job and figure out what’s going on."
The tension in his jaw contradicted his calm, but I nodded once and took a seat. Thankfully we had the waiting room to ourselves. With one doctor here, they tried not to overbook.
Bash was chewing on his lip so hard I had to gently tug it out.
"Hey, she'll be alright."
He blinked over at me, refusing to give in that easily.
"We don't know that. Dean, we just got her. Hell, we don't even have her yet," he said, voice wavering slightly.
I pulled him into my lap and wrapped my arms around him, burying my face into his shirt and breathing in his scent of lemons and body wash. Today's mix had him smelling like lemonade, fresh and sweet.
"We do," Dad countered. "She’s pack. Notice who she called."
"Us," I said. The pride in my voice had Bash chuckling. Though it still sounded strained. "She's going to be fine."
Maybe if I said it enough I'd believe it too.
"She trusts us," Bash said. "She never would have left Theo otherwise. She'd have brought him with us."
"I hadn't thought of it that way," I admitted.
"We weren't thinking about much outside of getting her here," Miller agreed with a dark laugh. "Fuck, she scared me. As soon as I heard her voice when Cole called, I knew we had to get to her."
My chest tightened. While I had lost the mom I’d never met, my dad had lost a mate. Watching Summer suffer like that likely affected him the hardest. To be an alpha and helpless to save your omega was one of the hardest places to be stuck in.
The door opening had us all on our feet in seconds, Bash letting out a squeak as I dropped him to his feet, though my arms stayed firmly around him.
"She's perking up a little. Doc gave her some meds to stave it off, but she asked us to let you know she's alright," the nurse said kindly. "There's a vending machine in the break room, help yourselves if you need a drink. They’re going to run some tests." She pointed to the break room door before slipping back through the door.
Our collective sigh of relief filled the silence she left behind. Not one of us moved from our spot, still needing to see our omega.
The next hour was pure torture, and it was becoming increasingly apparent to me that this was more than just being concerned about a pack member.
Bash and I had already had the conversation about the draw we’d felt toward her, but this really drove it home. Even my dad had a look on his face I hadn’t seen before, not that he’d probably admit it and not that I wanted to think aboutthat.
The door to the backroom opened, the doctor giving Summer a reassuring pat on the shoulder before she reminded her, “I’ll see you in a couple days. Take care, and call if you need anything.”
Summer nodded, tucking papers into her purse before she turned towards us.
Bash was there in an instant, taking her hand and leading her back to us. Exactly where she belonged.
“What did they say?” Dad asked.
She shook her head, this time not wincing from the movement. Whatever they’d given her seemed to do the trick. She was looking better already, as if the migraine had been nothing but a momentary wave of pain.
“I know we need to talk,” Summer said with a sigh. “But can we just go home first? I-I need a second, and I don’t want to have this conversation in the middle of a waiting room without everyone.”
Dread sat in my stomach at her words, and I could feel the same emotion flowing down from Bash’s side of the bond.
“We can go home,” I assured her, coming to her other side. “Just tell us one thing, please?”
She looked up at me questioningly. “What?”