I wanted to give Summer the world. If only she'd let us.



The sound of way too happy children’s songs raged from the television as I buried my head into the pillows on the couch.

Apparently, my headache had decided to return with a vengeance.

It started back up a few hours after I had left the shop and even Beatty had taken pity on me and ordered dinner instead of us cooking together like we’d planned. I’d slept hard all through the night, and yet I’d still woken up exhausted.

“Mom, hungry!” Theo practically yelled without looking away from his cars. The fact he wasn’t even watching the TV had me tempted to turn it down, but I knew my son better than that. He’d notice within seconds.

“On it,” I promised, going to the kitchen and making a quick tray of snacks and a water cup for him. He cheered again, making me wince, when I sat it down on the coffee table. Thankfully Grandma didn’t mind if he made a mess, and I always cleaned up after him.

Though today might be questionable.

My stomach rolled and I realized I had yet to eat today. The idea of putting anything in my mouth right now made me want to vomit even worse.

What the hell was going on with me? One minute I’d be fine, then the next, I was doubled over in pain, and it was only threatening to get worse.

The walk back to the fridge for some electrolytes felt like an out of body experience. My vision wavered slightly, and my head gave another sharp throb that had me pausing and bracing against the wall.

I might just have to break down and ask for help if this continued. I’d never had the option before and I was reluctant to do it now. It usually passed, I just needed to rest.

Uncorking the red drink, I downed half before hobbling my way back to the couch and collapsing. Peeking my eyes open I saw Theo was still happily playing and I let out a sigh of relief.

You can do this, Summer.

Another sharp pang had me curling into a ball, this time so bad that I felt it down my shoulders and into my face.

Nope, I can’t.

My phone buzzed beneath me and I grabbed it, swiping it open without a thought just to make the sound stop.

“Hello,” I mumbled, bringing the phone to my ear.

“Sorry, Shortcake,” Cole greeted, letting out a long sigh. “Did we wake you up?” Something in his voice sounded off and it was enough to help me focus.

“No, I’m awake,” I assured him, shifting to sit up a bit more and instantly regretting it.

A shuffle in the background sounded, and I heard a deep voice telling Cole to put it on speaker.

“Hey, Summer,” Miller said. “Cole has you on speaker now.”

“Did you guys need something?”

“I need to know you’re okay,” Cole admitted. “I started to get this wonky feeling in my chest last night, and I still had it this morning. It’s like a dull ache.”

Fuck, was the bond really coming back that quickly? Admittedly, I’d felt his emotions more recently, but when my head was like this, it was a little hard to concentrate on anything else. If I was this bad, I couldn’t imagine what he was feeling now.

“My headache came back yesterday,” I said softly. “It’s probably our bond. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize,” he said immediately. “Never apologize for that.”

I sucked in a breath at the volume of his voice through the speaker, burying my head under a pillow as if that would help. Nothing seemed to help anymore.

“It has to be hurting pretty bad for it to affect him like this,” Miller said softly. “You need to make an appointment. You’ve had them on and off since you moved back.”