"Ugh, betrayal!" I accused. "Some best friend you are."

Miles, who was well accustomed to my antics, just rolled his eyes and urged her to lead us further inside. She laughed quietly as she turned and led the way.

I knew a house this size would have a big backyard, but it was even more massive than I could have imagined. There was a huge gnarled tree in the corner that would make an amazing treehouse. A small garden was fenced off on the left, and the middle was just a wide open space begging for me to design an amazing paradise.

It almost had me rethinking our pack house. Beatty wouldn't mind a new guest... or five, right? Okay, on second thought, there was no reason we shouldn’t already start working on the packhouse to make the backyard perfect. I was sure we could find a sturdy tree there too.

Dean, Theo, and Cole were nowhere to be found, but a small giggle gave them away within seconds.

"Hm, where could they have gone?" I asked loudly. Summer walked up next to me, putting a hand over her eyes as if she were blocking out the bright sun.

"Oh no, where is my baby?" she gasped, amping up the dramatics, which in turn had the giggles going crazy. "I'll just have to give away all his trucks. Even the tow truck. What a bummer th-"

Her words were cut off by Theo yelling his head off as he ran toward her, slamming into her with enough force I knew I would have toppled. Yet Summer took the impact like a professional.

"No, Mommy, I here!"

"There he is," she said as she gave him a squeeze.

"Track!" Theo's shout had us turning to see Miller and Miles carrying in the racetrack we'd found. It was made for backyards and could withstand the weather. Beatty might get us for taking over her yard like this but it would be worth it.

Of course Miller and Dean were like kids in a candy shop, going over the top and buying every connection and extra pieces they had available. I wholeheartedly supported that decision.

"Look, kiddo, it has ramps, tunnels, and you can hook it to things," Miller said. His eyes lit up at Theo's excited clapping. Miller was always an easygoing guy, but seeing him with Theo had my heart melting.

"Well, he'll be occupied for hours with that," Summer laughed as she watched them move out into the yard. Cole and Miller worked on taking out the pieces while Miles studied the instructions like there would be a test.

"That means mom gets a break," I sang out. "Why don't you come have a glass of wine with me while I start the food?"

"Sure," she said, her voice a bit nervous now. "That sounds nice."

I wanted to tell her that she didn't have to worry, but I'd rather her come to that conclusion on her own. Today was about showing her that we were here for her no matter what and that we welcomed her with open arms. Whatever she needed to feel comfortable, we’d do.

We walked to the patio where Dean was starting the grill. I'd done most of the food prep at home, so this would be smooth. Grabbing out the plastic wine glasses and the wine I'd kept on ice, I poured several glasses, handing one to her and keeping one for myself. Dean took one and I set one aside for Miles, but Miller and Cole were beer guys, so I left them out for now. They would be preoccupied for a while. At least he had Miles on his side, that man could build anything.

"This is kind of nice," Summer admitted as she sat on the swing, sipping her wine.

"Having a pack is a godsend," I agreed as I sat next to her. "Before them, I thought I'd never find something like this. But these guys are some of the best men I've met."

"You might be biased," Dean teased, giving me a wink.

"Only for you, sweet cheeks," I shot back. "So Summer, tell us about yourself."

Real smooth, Bash.

For so long, I wondered if Summer would accept my place in Cole’s life, if she would accept the pack. Now that I met her, I wanted it even more. Dean and I talked about it last night, the two of us in agreeance that there was some kind of magnetism about her that seemed to be drawing us in.

Of course, I had fun teasing my alpha at exactly how worked up she seemed to make him. A fact that made me just as hot.

She didn't seem to mind the question, giving a little shrug as she took another sip of her wine.

"Not much to tell. I grew up here, went off to school, Cole came back, I stayed. Had Theo, finished school, and here we are. It didn't leave a lot of room for hobbies or anything exciting. I've lived a pretty boring life in that regard. Theo has been my focus and I love spending time with him."

"He seems like a lot of fun," I said. We watched them in the yard, the track already forming and the impatient little boy running his cars over what pieces were put together.

"He is," she said, smiling fondly. The amount of love on her face had my chest tightening. I wanted that too, but more importantly, I wanted her.

Dean went to grab the rest of the food while the grill heated up, leaving Summer and me to ourselves.