"You do realize it would have been hell on earth to keep clean, right? Think full tornado levels of damage," she said, pulling out her phone. "This was his small room in our place, I always took before and after pictures to make myself feel motivated the next time I had to tackle it.

Dean let out a whistle at the missing floor under the layer of toys and clothes.

"That was only in thirty minutes while I cooked dinner," she finished. "He's small, but his destructive powers are mighty."

"Okay, noted," Bash said with a shudder. "We'll just have to rotate them out or something."

Leave it to Bash to find a solution that was never simply holding himself back. He'd find a solution to get his way.

She shook her head and laughed.

"Just wait."

Joke was on her because all of us couldn't wait to have her and Theo in our space. Messes and all.



It was a funny feeling when you realized the only thing holding you back from happiness was yourself.

It had taken me years to do the right thing and come back to Holiday Hollow, and even then I was terrified that I would be met with anger and rejection.

Instead, I was met with nothing but acceptance and support. The old me would have felt like I had wasted all of those years, but time and talking it out, had taught me that I had grown into an even stronger individual because of it.

Cole and I weren’t at points in our lives where we were able to both help each other when the accident happened, and we’d made mistakes.

Finally, after all this time, I felt like that was in the past.

When my doctor had told me about my medication and the serious impact it would have on my health if I continued, I knew I only had one option. Especially for Theo’s sake.

The guy’s reactions were more than I expected, but I couldn’t deny the pull. I felt that each and every one of them acknowledged the connection between us. That was without them even scenting me first. I could only imagine how they would react when my scent was back.

Probably much like me who had been putting her toys to great use. My moment in the hall with Cole played like a loop in my mind. Not to mention the sweet, dirty promises that Bash and Dean had whispered in my ear when I was on Dean’s lap.

Don’t even get me started on seeing Miller on his knees before me. The big strong alpha with the salt and pepper hair and the look that pierced right through me did things to me that I didn’t even understand.

And that look that him and Cole shared? I wasn’t sure what was between them, but I definitely wanted to watch.

Just the way I wanted to watch Bash and Dean together, preferably while Miles and I had a little fun ourselves.

Yep, there was zero jealousy here. Just one horny, greedy omega who hadn’t gotten laid in years and had somehow agreed to a girls’ night before I lost my head to the haze.

“I’m going to unadopt you as my little sister if you don’t get your cute butt down here now,” Claire called. “You’re kid-free, and I’m not missing out on a night with my mates for nothing. Let’s go! I have drinks and dancing calling my name.”

“Don’t get your panties in a bunch. I’m coming,” I called, grabbing my clutch and heading downstairs.

“I’m not wearing any,” Claire said with a wink.

“Please tell me you didn’t tell your mates that,” I said as I saw her twirling downstairs, her fiery red curls spinning around her. “Didn’t you say they sometimes stalk you at this bar?”

“Not yet,” she said cheekily. “Plus, they promised they wouldn’t interrupt tonight.”

“Did you bribe them? Because if so, I may need to learn your ways.”

When Claire had invited me out when Grandma and I were getting coffee, my grandma had all but pushed me out the door, claiming that I needed girl time with someone closer to my age. She offered to cancel her bridge party and watch Theo, but I decided to take the guys up on their offer and trust them with Theo for the night.

I knew in my heart he was perfectly safe, but it was also the first night I had ever been away from him. It left both a tinge of anxiety and excitement all at once.