But it was like Ren had disappeared into thin air.

Someone murmured my name – well, my title, at least – and I turned to find Parvan approaching us, accompanied by Zovisasha and Lilia. Although my Mazekhstani friends walked on either side of him, flanking him, the guard had his hands clasped firmly around each of their upper arms.

“Found nothing out of place in the tunnels, king consort,” Parvan said gruffly, not letting go when he came to a halt and forced them to do the same. “Except these two.”

I sighed with undisguised exasperation. Clearly they’d been plotting something heinous for their fun with Luis and Alondra tonight, and I didn’t want to know any more than that.

“Oh, my hero!” Zovisasha loudly declared with a huge grin plastered across her face, draping herself against Parvan’s shoulder and gently patting the hand locked around her arm. “We were solostandtiredand feared we’d never escape that dreadful maze.”

“This is assault!” shrieked Lilia, smacking at his other hand in an effort to get him to release her. “Nathanael, tell him to free us immediately!”

“How in Dios’ name did you get into the tunnels?” Councillor Morales hissed at them both. “You shouldn’t evenknowabout them, let alone have access to-”

“I demand you let go, sir!” interrupted Zovisasha, trying to pry Parvan’s fingers off. He grimaced when she dug her nails into his skin, but otherwise didn’t move. “Or our king consort will have you arrested!”

“Don’t be like that,” Lilia cooed, already in her alternated role as she trailed her own fingers suggestively across the back of Parvan’s right hand and followed it with the tip of her tongue. “This brave gentleman rescued us from certain death down there.”

“But he was someanabout it-”

“Stop it,” I snapped, the last of my patience having worn through and my emotions rubbed raw. “Parvan, let go of them before they do anymore damage to you. And you two-” I glowered at my friends. “-will answer the councillor’s question and then fuck off.”

The two women immediately ceased their game, their exaggerated poses sluicing off them like water as they straightened up and glanced at each other.

“Uh oh,” Zovisasha said sombrely. She gave an overstated sniff in my direction. “He smells of oranges anddespair.”

“Indeed,” Lilia agreed, her voice equally as solemn. “And I recognise that cranky tone.”

“That’s a consort who hasn’t had a good fucking from his man in at least…what do you reckon, twelve hours?”

I snarled out an insult in our shared language, swatting at Zovisasha. She ducked, and then pushed Lilia into my path. Wyatt was watching us with wide eyes; perhaps he’d never seen his mistress act like this while she was being all professional and shit as the palace’s head gardener, but I was far too used to their frivolous nonsense to be surprised by it.

“Ren’sgone,” I barked at them.

That made them both freeze, their eyes darting around to take in the dismayed expressions of those gathered around us. Luis nodded to confirm my words.

Then I was swarmed by a flurry of red and black hair as they rushed in despite Parvan’s half-hearted attempts to block them, wrapping their arms tightly around me.

“Oh Nathanael, we’re so sorry.”

“We didn’t mean to…sorry.”

“It’ll be okay.”

“You’ll find him.”

I shut my eyes, resting my head on Zovisasha’s shoulder and trying to hold back tears as both women murmured soft reassurances and stroked my hair, aligned in their sympathy. I didn’t care how many people must be staring at us right now. It was hard to worry about such things when my heart felt chewed up and spat out.

Ren was alone, perhaps hurt, and I couldn’t do a damn thing to help him.

“Don’t worry, Nathanael,” Zovisasha murmured. “We’ll drag the boy back here by his hair if that’s what it takes.”

“And hold him down while you carve him into pieces for leaving you,” added Lilia.

“We’ll find you a sharp knife.” There was a thoughtful pause. “Or maybe a dull one,” Zovisasha amended brightly.

“Who needs a knife? Nathanael can take him apart with his teeth.”

“And his tongue.”