“Exactly,” Wyatt said brightly after a few moments once the guard’s breathing had evened back out. “Months.Jiron, you can’t expect it all to disappear in an instant. You’re doing amazing.”

“Still, you need sleep, little one,” Jiron said, his voice now gentle. “You have work tomorrow.”

“Maybe I need something to help me sleep, daddy,” Wyatt shot back instantly, his tone and expression coy. He moved his hand and drifted a single finger across Jiron’s lips; slow, seductive, and teasing. The guard’s amber eyes darkened.

“Boy,” he growled up at him. “You keep that up, you won’t be getting anysleep tonight at all.”

Wyatt’s legs swung loosely where they hung over the edge of the bed. “You promise?”

Jiron was on his lover in an instant, twisting around so quickly I barely caught the movement, and pressing the smaller man into the bed. Cradling the back of Wyatt’s head, he brought their lips together surprisingly gently considering the raw strength I knew was held in those massive muscles.

Jiron’s expression melted into a picture of sheer adoration and awe as he kissed his boy, wearing more open emotion than I’d seen him show in all the time I’d known him.

They both slipped their hands beneath the sheets, tearing them away in favour of exploring each other with curious and eager fingers. Wyatt moaned into Jiron’s mouth when the other man reached down to-

I turned my face away from the private moment.


An older Starling pressed calloused fingers that sparked green and red to the bruised arm of her patient: the same Quarehian girl with the scar on her eyebrow as before, only now she appeared to be a teenager.

“The Comandante should really be more careful with you,” Star admonished, but there was tender affection in her voice. “This is the third bone you’ve broken in a month.”

“Oh, I didn’t get that training with him,” said the girl cheerfully, nodding at her arm. “I was playing with Wolf this morning.”

Starling choked.

“Don’t let your father hear that,” the healer told her sternly, before pressing her hands to her own face and groaning. “Orthat the Comandante is letting you spar with real blades.”

The girl waggled her eyebrows and grinned. “Which father?”


Luis kissed an unfamiliar woman on the lips before dropping down to his knees in front of her and pressing an equally affectionate kiss to her protruding belly.

I felt an ache inside that had nothing to do with the vision itself and everything to do with wanting what they had.

“The king offered some suggestions for names,” Luis said to her.

The northern woman gave an exasperated sigh that said she knew what was coming. “I expect he did,” she responded, her mouth twisting in amused fondness as she reached out to run her fingers through Luis’ unbound hair. “But what if we have a daughter, my love?”

“Renata,” Luis said without hesitation, causing her to wrinkle her nose and bat him away. Laughing, he rose to his feet and swept her up into his arms.


I tensed as a shriek split the air, belatedly realising that it had been a sound of joy rather than pain. Camila raced past me – me, this time, and I knew I was back in my own future, witnessing something I would one day experience myself – and threw her arms around her wife. Both were smiling and laughing.

“Let the woman breathe, Camila,” Councillor Morales said, shaking her head, but she was fighting a smile of her own. “It wouldn’t do to appoint Clementina to the king’s Council and have her drop dead of asphyxiation the same day.”

Camila drew back, blushing, but Clementina threw Morales a dry look and tugged the servant back against her. Morales just rolled her eyes and gave them a good-natured smirk.

“I’m proud of you,” Camila whispered to her wife. She reached up and interlocked their fingers, their wedding rings glinting in the light of the nearby lantern. “So fucking proud.”


“I know you’re good, El,” I said, squinting into a fuzzy summery heat haze over a pasture I recognised as nearla Cortina. “But evenyoucan’t hit that.”

Elías’ lip curved slightly upwards, the smile pressed into his bow as he held the string taut. The fact that the arrowhead was on fucking fire didn’t seem to discourage him at all.