“I’d say no one would be daft enough to believe that, Aratorre, except the proof to the contrary just started to snore.”

I flashed a fond look over at the bed. “I know. Isn’t it adorable?”

Velichkov rolled his eyes. “I also convinced Her Majesty that she didn’t really want your children. That they would be vicious little beasts; sly, sharp-tongued, and utterly uncontrollable.”

“Fuck, prince, we’re trying to persuade hernotto want to bed me,” I said.

He ignored that, pushing up from his chair and gesturing for Wolf to follow him. “So she’s agreed to not toss you in the river for your insult earlier, and will meet with you in the morning to continue our talks. You’re welcome.”

I watched him prowl towards the door, blinking at him in surprise.

“What do you hold over Astrid Panarina?” I asked, curious. “You convinced her to dissolve the northern hostage exchange, too. There’s no way you’re actually that good of a negotiator, because let’s face it, I’vemetyou.”

Where once he would have responded with growls and threats, now Velichkov just laughed. “Leverage disclosed is leverage weakened, Aratorre.Leka nosht.”

“Goodnight,” I repeated absently, my attention caught and held by a noise from the other side of the room. Mathias seemed distressed, clawing at the blanket in his sleep and muttering something incomprehensible yet clearly panicked. I ran my fingers over his cheek but it didn’t seem to soothe him, so as the door clicked shut, I slid into bed beside my lover.

“Nyet, Kolya!”he snarled, and I heaved out a shuddering breath, not knowing whether to pull him closer in reassurance or give him space. Just as I resolved to wake him so he could make that choice himself, Mat let out a long, sleepy sigh and yanked me over onto his side of the bed before wrapping his arms and legs tightly around mine. Attached to me like a limpet and pressing his face into my neck, he soon settled and didn’t stir again for a very long time.


Chapter Twenty-Nine

“You know, you slumped helpless over a table seems to have become a habit,” Ren said cheerily, his breath hot on my face, and I cracked a reluctant eye to find him only an inch away. He had his cheek resting on the surface of the table, mirroring my own pose, only his was mocking and mine was the inevitable result of consuming far too much alcohol the night before.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said firmly, although my tongue was declining to cooperate and the sounds that actually erupted were closer toerdunna wat yur tawkinbart.

Luckily, my prince seemed to understand me, or else he knew me well enough to know I’d protest the claim, for he just grinned.

“I know you remember,” he coaxed, and even with my fuzzy eyesight I could see the wicked glint in his brown eyes as he whispered the words. “I liked the look of you bent over similar to this yesterday, legs spread wide where I put them and my palm coming down on your bare skin, over and over.”

“Never ‘appened,” I denied, feeling heat spark through me at the memory. Fuck, that had been hot, and the ten promised smacks had turned into a punishment five times as severe when I refused to count as instructed and he’d just kept going until I did. It had been difficult to maintain my obstinacy when my ass was on fire, even if counting strikes while fuckinggaggedwas sadism only my lover could deliver.

“Did it not?” Ren asked, pulling a disappointed face. “It was such a fun fantasy though – forme, at least. Tell you what, we’ll re-enact it when we get back upstairs so you don’t miss out.”

I scowled, wincing at the pain that shot through my head as a result of doing so, and he chuckled before leaning in to boop my nose with his.

I closed my eyes. The surface of the table was comfortingly cold against my cheek, and was being much kinder to me than my lover. And especially my brother, whose loud voice was inconsiderately echoing around both the room and my tender skull.

“Shhh,” I grumbled, and then felt a gentle touch in my hair.

“I’ve sent for my healer, Nathanael,” Astrid murmured from above me, continuing to lightly stroke my head. “We’ll have you back on your feet in no time.”

“Blorgiriarchi,”I slurred incomprehensibly instead of a thank you in Mazekhstani, giving up the painful talking until I felt a different pair on hands on my head a few minutes later, with briskly efficient fingers that pressed against my temple and the base of my skull.

The magic took longer than Starling’s, but soon I could think again without the sensation of being battered by a thousand heavy rocks, and muttered out my gratitude to the healer.

Opening my eyes and lifting my head, I found three concerned faces peering back at me. It seemed my hangover had achieved something positive, at least: Val, Ren, and Astrid were standing shoulder to shoulder without swapping so much as a dark look or a sharp elbow to the ribs.

“Your Highness,” the Blessed said from behind me, a man I’d known my whole life and that insisted everyone only ever call him Doc. “Would you also like me to heal the bruises on your knees and your, uh...backside?”

“Certainlynot,” Ren shot back sharply, the uncompromising tone making me obediently shake my head before I could stop myself, but at my subsequent expression of utter mortification, he descended into loud and uncontrolled laughter.

“It seems that will be all, Doc,” Astrid said delicately, the only one in the room able to maintain their composure. Val was steadfastly looking over my head, refusing to meet my eyes, and Ren was so lost to his amusement that he would have fallen over had Astrid not clutched his arm to keep him upright.

Doc cleared his throat. “Very good, Your Majesty.” He scratched his stubbled chin and gave me an awkward half-smile. “You always were a clumsy child, Prince Nathanael, covering yourself in cuts and bruises from the countless times you fell down staircases. I only pray God will bestow fewer black eyes on my son when he becomes old enough to walk these halls.”

Ren’s humour abruptly disappeared and his lips curled away from his teeth, clearly ready to unload on the inattentive man.