As Mat murmured into his pillow and closed his eyes, I straightened and gave Velichkov a caustic look.

“If you expect I would even consider doing so, you’re still as much of a dumb brute as I’ve always believed,” I said evenly, and then in the same tone, gestured at the chairs near the fire. “Shall we talk?”

He faltered and then nodded brusquely, swallowing away his complaints and seating himself opposite me. Wolf nestled at his feet and lay his head on his huge paws. “How is he?”

“Giggly,” I said with amusement. “It’s not something he lets me see often, but when he does it’s utterly hilarious.”

Velichkov didn’t bother to hide his smile, his eyes flickering back over to where Mathias had already fallen asleep and was beginning to drool onto the pillow.

“He’s fine,” I added softly. “He doesn’t hold grudges well, and I doubt he’ll remember to be angry at Panarina tomorrow, vodka or no.”

The man frowned, his gaze returning to me with suspicion. “Yet you’re still sober?”

“Your brother challenged me to a drinking contest, only he foolishly failed to specify what I’d be matching him mouthful for mouthful with.” I nodded at my own glass of Quarehian wine that the door guards had miraculously procured for me. “Needless to say, the straight spirits he chose did not help him to win.”

The heir’s mouth drew into a thin line. “So you acted dishonourably and tricked him into inebriation?”

“Velichkov,” I said exasperatedly. “He obviously knew I was cheating from the very first sip. It was his decision to get drunk, and neither of us will thank you for assuming that Mat...Nat, is incapable of making his own choices.”

He cleared his throat awkwardly.

“Right.” He played with Wolf’s ears. “I just wanted to say…thank you for putting Nathanael first, earlier,” Velichkov murmured. “For showing him that he has worth, as I fear he all too often misses it. You did well today, Aratorre.”

“Gosh, I didn’t realise I was beingrated,” I said sarcastically, letting my back slide down the chair until I looked appropriately uninterested in my companion in case he got any ideas of us being friends or something equally stupid. “If I’d known that, I’d have tossed out a grandiose speech or two before running off.”

Velichkov winced. “That was…I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry. I…fuck me,” he cursed.

Ah, but there was that promise of monogamy I’d made. “Regrettably, I can’t.”

The northern prince exploded into an unexpected and deep laugh, Wolf eyeing him with surprised disgruntlement before shifting closer to the fire and closing his eyes.

“Did you justrejectme, Aratorre?” he asked, still chortling and holding his side. It hadn’t beenthatfunny. “I didn’t think it possible.”

“And now you’re calling me a whore,” I pointed out , trying to maintain a straight face although his mirth was beginning to affect me too. “I see your reputation for adept diplomacy is well earned, Temarian.”

“No worse than you slighting the queen of Mazekhstam and her marriage proposal by walking out on her without a word,” said Velichkov, but he was grinning now. “I’ve never seen Panarina so shocked. She couldn’t speak for at least ten minutes. Just sat there gaping like a fish.”

“I’d liked to have seen that,” I admitted, allowing him to see a hint of a smile.

Wolf got to his feet, stretched, and sniffed my feet before settling himself between them. Valeri and I both stared, and I tentatively reached down to run my hand across the coarse fur of his back. When I still had all of my fingers attached half a minute later, I let out the breath I’d been holding.

“It seems I owe you both one for what you did for us in Máros,” I said, talking to both the prince and his pet. “Although without Panarina’s help, I doubt I’ll be able to repay you anytime soon, unless you happen to have a use for a penniless, usurped southerner? A use thatdoesn’tinvolvesucking your cock, brother dearest,” I added, just to see him flush like Mathias, “because I’d gladly do that for free.”

“What happened to not propositioning me?” The trademark Velichkov scowl was back on his face, although I’d gotten my blush, with the pale skin of the prince’s cheeks and neck turning delightfully pink.

“That moment of foolishness has passed.”

“It did seem rather unlike you.”

I stretched in the chair and winked at him.

The man shook his head ruefully, glancing back at Mat. “I wanted to come by and see him earlier,” he murmured, his voice low, “only I thought I’d take the chance to speak to Panarina on your behalf.”


“I told her that after spending only one afternoon in your company, I’d wanted to take a ship from Riehse Eshan and flee the continent entirely,” Valeri drawled. “I think she’s starting to get it.”

“Well, we couldn’t have her thinking I’m nice,” I agreed.