“You,” he said to me now, adopting a fierce scowl that made him look utterly adorable. The last of the vodka sploshed around the bottom of the bottle he was holding. “You’re…you’re…”

Mat staggered on the spot, laughing when he fell against the wall and thanking it for its assistance.

I shook my head, amused.

“Give me that.” I held out my hand but he clutched the vodka to his chest in horror, keeping it out of my reach from where I was comfortably seated in one of the armchairs in his room.

“Nyet.You’re going to do something mean to it. Or me. Or both of us.” He held the bottle up to the light and peered at it dubiously. “You already have. You’ve stolen it!”

“I’vestolen it?”

“Ren!” Mathias wailed. “Why do I feel so…?”

“Inebriated?” I suggested wryly. “I fear your new companion might have something to do with it. How about you hand it over and let me put you to bed?”

My lover narrowed his eyes and glanced between me and the vodka as if deciding which of us to trust. Then he bared his teeth at the bottle, tossed it to the floor – I winced, but it landed at the edge of the rug and stubbornly refused to shatter – and proceeded to settle himself in my lap. It seemed it was one of his favourite places to be, even while drunk.

I buried my face in his hair and breathed him in, wrapping myself in that crisp, delightful scent that felt like home. Mat was mine to hurt, to fuck, to hold. To care for, to fuckinglove.

Mine. End of story.

Panarina could keep her beautiful, prickly self and her marriage proposal far, far away from us. Nothing was ever getting between me and my wildcat, and I hoped that spending an afternoon repeating that to him in various ways until he’d begun to awkwardly fidget and shush me had finally gotten it through his thick head.

But this was Mathias we were talking about, so next I’d showed him without words, bending him over the table while I spanked his ass red and he acquainted another gag with his cries, and again when I’d taken my sweet time eating him out.

And then, when we finally allowed ourselves to discuss how screwed we were – and not the fun kind I’d just delivered to him – Mat had had the bright idea of drowning our sorrows in liquor. I suspected it was half intended to numb the stinging of his sore ass, but when I’d dared to voice that accusation he’d fixed me with a scathing look and told me a gentle breeze hit harder than what I’d just delivered. By the time I’d gotten over my spluttering indignance, he was too deep in the bottle for me to prove him a fucking liar.

Clever, insistent fingers now tugged at the fastening of my trousers.

“Mat,” I murmured, “you’re drunk.” I caught his wandering hands. “We can pick this up in the morning.”

“Don’t worry about any of them,” he said nonsensically, yanking his wrists free and putting the index fingers of both hands to my lips. He misjudged the force required and ended up smacking me on the mouth. “They don’t matter like you do.”

And then the door to his room opened and Velichkov and his wolf strode in as if they owned the damn place.

“I wanted to see how you were…”

His jaw set at the sight of Mathias sprawled on top of me, his knees resting on the outside of my thighs as he straddled my lap.

“Nat, for the love of God, find your own seat. There’s plenty of them.” Velichkov gestured helplessly at the rest of the room.

“We’re busy,” Mat responded instantly, not bothering to look around at his brother. He ran his hands down my neck and under my shirt. “Fuck me, Ren,” he murmured, his words slurred but content.

Valeri abruptly choked. “Nathanael, that’s-”

My lover yanked roughly on the collar of my shirt, giving up on undoing all of its fastenings. “Take me hard and fast how I like it,” he begged.

I had no intention of doing any such thing while he was this intoxicated, but Velichkov didn’t have to know that. I smirked around Mat’s needy, desperate form to where his brother stood frozen and horrified.

“I knowjusthow you like it,” I purred, pressing a kiss to his cheek without breaking eye contact with the elder prince, who’d turned exceptionally pale. “Did you want something, Velichkov, or are you just here to watch?”

Oh, Mathias was going tomurderme when he remembered this sober, but right now he was nosing into my neck and rubbing his hips against mine in a shameless attempt to get me to cede to his demands. And by Dios was it difficult to keep my hands to myself, but I’d be damned if I was taking a half-delirious, drunken mess to bed when I doubted he even remembered his own name right now, let alone how to say no.

“Aratorre,” Velichkov growled out, echoed by Wolf, but I shushed them both, wrapping my hands under Mat’s ass and lifting him as I rose from the chair. His long legs wrapped around my waist instinctively and I carried him to the bed – not without difficulty, as he was a similar weight to me, but it was only a few steps and he’d never forgive me for dropping him – and lay him down on it.

“If you think,” the Temarian heir behind me spat out, “that I’m going to let you bed my brother in that condition, then you’re going to earn yourself four missing limbs. I…”

He fell silent when I pulled a blanket over my boy’s curled up form, brushing his hair from his face.