“As long as no one found out it was us-”

“Not really fancying being hung anytime soon-”

“My plants would die without me-”

“Iwishyour plants would-”

“We’ll do it.”

Mat smiled at them, his expression fond. “Thank you.”

“And what do we get in return?” Lilia asked, flicking her hair back from her face. She gave us both a sly look that I greatly approved of. “Two extremely hot men willing to let us ride their faces all night?”

“There are a pair of horses tethered half a mile down the road that you can sell,” I told them as Mat began to splutter indignantly, and I waved a hand in a random direction because I had no idea which way we were now facing. “Two piebalds, one with an attitude as bad as this one.”

I slapped him around the back of the head and he bared his teeth at me, instantly sobering from his embarrassment. “As you can see. Apologies, señoritas, but I will be keeping Nat’s mouth entirely occupied tonight.”

“Ren,” he hissed, humiliation returning to pinken his cheeks once more, but his eyes were wide as he glanced at the others. When they snorted out their own amusement at his expense, he frowned. “You’re not...it doesn’t bother you that Ren and I are…?”

Zovisasha scoffed when he trailed off. “You think we” – she gestured between herself and Lilia – “never got bored waiting for you to decide you were in the mood and had to take matters into our own hands? Once a month might have been enough for you, Nathanael, but we have needs.”

Once a month. Dios.My boy was certainly making up for it now.

Mathias stared at them both as if he’d never seen them before. I nudged his arm and he cleared his throat, blinking rapidly.

“Of course,” Lilia added with delight, her gaze flicking between us. “It does make sense now why your heart was never really in it.”

Zovisasha grinned and glanced back at me, shamelessly looking me over from head to toe.

“He’s not nearly as ugly as she said he was-”

“She saidcrazy-”

“And arrogant-”

“And rude-”

“And demanding-”

“And also ugly-”

“You couldn’t possibly be talking about me,” I protested. “Only half of those are true.”

And who wasshewho was allegedly saying such things?The insults could have come from Panarina, but I didn’t expect the regent generally hung around with commoners and shit-talked foreign royals.

Yet both women ignored me, continuing to interrupt each other’s chattering as they moved around the small house, one filling an iron kettle with water and hooking it over the fire while the other rummaged in a rack of jars.

“He’d look sexy in a crown-”

“Anyonewould look sexy in a crown-”

“You delightfulwhore!”

“You can talk. Didn’t you-”

“I did. But that was one time. Or maybe six-”

“Or seven-”