The Mazekhstani prince’s lips lifted into a pleased, terrifying smirk. “I hope it’s painful.”

His fingertips closed the distance and pressed lightly against the skin of my cheek, cold at first but then heated with his magic as silver and burgundy sparks flickered in the gloom. He cocked his head, frowning at me. “It’s not you who…?”

Then he let out a delighted laugh. “Ah. You’re here for your southern bitch? In that case, Nathanael, I hope it’s fuckingexcruciating.”

“Please,” I begged, and that time my voice cracked. “I need your help.”

The incredulous scoff I received at that was entirely expected. “Youarejoking? After everything you all did?” Kolya snarled in my face, wrenching his hand away as if I’d burned him. “You stabbed me. Your brother disembowelled me and left me for dead, and then you spread your lies so that I could never return home. You tookeverythingfrom me, Natty.”

He closed in on me again, seeming gratified when I backed up a step. His gaze softened at the sight, a tinge of satisfaction tempering the fury.

He wanted my submission? Fine.

If that was his price, I’d willingly pay it.

I forced myself to drop my head, speaking to the dirt floor instead of him and adding a sniffle for good measure. “I didn’t mean to. It was all such a mess. And then the delay with the tournament gave Ren’s Council time to work against him and he was…was…”

“I heard,” Kolya spat, vindictive and pleased. “Made my fucking day.”

“I’m sorry for what we did,” I said softly, injecting a note of false plaintiveness into my tone instead of the sarcasm I’d have preferred. “I was scared, Kolya. Please, don’t…”

He moved closer and cradled the back of my head in his hand as if in tenderness, but the firm grip kept my head bowed to him so I couldn’t look up beyond his knees. It took everything in me not to shove him away, knowing my lies were all I had left.

“Say that again.”

“I’m sorry?” I offered meekly.

“Not that,” he murmured. “Iknowyou’re sorry. It’s me and you, Natty, always has been.”

Then what…?

I scowled at the ground but forced my voice to sound even more miserable. “I’m scared.”

“Of course you are,” whispered Kolya, petting my hair. I tried not to shudder. “But I’m not going to hurt you. And you’ll make it all up to me, won’t you?”

When I nodded, the pleased exhale of breath against my forehead told me that I had the asshole where I wanted him.

“But Ren,” I pleaded. “He’s dying and you’re the only one who can save him.”

The snarl that lit Kolya’s voice at that was practically feral.“Otlichnyy.”Then he said it again, as if I hadn’t grasped just how Blessed happy he was to hear such news. “Excellent.”

“Is it?” I asked, struggling to keep my tone within a few hundred feet of civil. “Because the reward for delivering him to Quareh alive would be enough to buy you a ship off the continent and set you up with a new life.”

“Or,” he said slowly, finally letting go of the back of my head and tipping up my chin so he could inspect my face. His eyes flickered intently between mine, and I deflated my expression into one of fearful acquiescence. “I could take half the bounty for delivering a corpseandget the satisfaction of watching your little distraction die.”

“You’ll never find him without me,” I said, feeling uneasy at what I was proposing. But Ren didn’t have long: if Kolya healed him and sold him back to Navar and Welzes, at least he’d have more of a chance to survive than he had now. “Please, Kolya?”

The prince cocked his head. “Give me more. Sweeten the deal for me, Natty.”

“I don’t know what you want,” I said, my frustration the first genuine emotion I’d showed him, and he clicked his tongue in admonishment.

“You knowexactlywhat I want.”

Ice ran through me as his sharp fingers tightened around my chin, holding my jaw forcefully enough to bruise. He leaned in so his cold lips brushed against mine, his voice a hoarse rasp. “Say it.”

I swallowed, not having to fake my fear any longer. Yet it was an easy decision:moy dorogoi’slife could have cost the world, and I’d have gladly paid it.

“Save Ren,” I whispered. “And you can have me.”