“You didn’t see him, Jiron!” wailed Ren. “He had the most soulful little bunny face. Exactly likethat,” he added, pointing at me.

“Where the fuck...” As Jiron took a steadying breath, I tried to remember if I’d ever heard the man swear before. “Where do you think your meals come from back at the palace, Your Highnesses?”

“The kitchen,” Ren said promptly, flashing a glittering, dangerous smile that dared the guard to correct him.

“My prince-”

“Jiron.” Ren lifted both hands behind his head, curled his fingers into rabbit ears, and fluttered them. His brown eyes were wide and imploring; a picture of pureadorablenessthat was so incongruous with the prince’s true nature that all I could do was blink at him.

Jiron promptly turned on his heel and disappeared back into the thick mass of trees beyond our glade.

“Did we…break him?” I asked.

Ren snorted, dropping his hands and restoring the effervescent arrogance I better recognised in my lover. “He’s had a whole two weeks without my company. If that didn’t drive him to insanity, I don’t think anything will.”

“Two weeks? Sounds heavenly,” I retorted instinctively, none too surprised when that earned me an indignant huff.

“You no longer rank anywhere near first place, Mathias. Even that dead tree over there is cuter than you.”

“Court that tree, then,” I said carelessly, and then choked as he grabbed me by the neck and threw me against it.

“I don’t need to find youcuteto bend you in half and fuck you until your voice gives out.” Ren’s words were a vicious, delighted hiss an inch from my lips. “Take it back before I take your ability to walk tomorrow.”

I couldn’t even if I’d wanted to: he’d stolen my air with the way his long, sharp fingers were digging into my windpipe, and even when he loosened his grip to replace his hand with his mouth, the way his teeth slid against and then sank into my flesh made me too light-headed to speak.

“Mmfhm,” I mumbled eloquently, feeling myself rousing to hardness as a result of Ren’s forcefulness as he held me in place and took what he wanted. A satisfied chuckle vibrated against my neck. His fingers roamed possessively down my arms and over my cock where it strained against the seams of my trousers, driving me back against the tree as I tried to thrust into his hand.

Someone cleared their throat politely; not as an interruption, but merely an announcement of their presence. And maybe Jiron wouldn’t mind us getting down and dirty in front of him, and Rencertainlywouldn’t, but I still had somestandards of decency despite the prick having worn most of them down during our time together.

Well, I say ‘worn’, but the better analogy would be that he’d smashed those standards with a battering ram the size ofla Cortina, stomped on them a dozen times for good measure, and had them exiled to the northern ice wastes where he’d say they belonged. The same north that would undoubtedly faint if they knew even a fraction of the things that the prince and I got up to in private.

Ren, who knew the difference between my don’t anddon’trefusals, only licked a comforting line over the bite mark he’d decorated my neck with before obligingly letting go.

Then he stretched, entirely unashamed at the position his guard had just found us in, even as I had to fight against the heat that flooded my cheeks.

“Something faceless and nameless that may be eaten without remorse,” Jiron said without looking up from where he was building up the logs, waving a hand at the decapitated, skinned corpses stretched out on the ground next to him. “How either of you expect to lead a country when you can’t kill arabbitis…” He cleared his throat again and quietened, evidently assessing he’d gone too far.

I didn’t give a fuck, but Ren was never kind when the opportunity to torment someone presented itself, and he gleefully proceeded to spend the next hour making Jiron regret speaking out of turn until he’d wrangled every possible apology and contrite statement from him.

“Yes, my prince,” the guard was dutifully saying as he took the cooked meat from the spit and began to divide it into portions. “You are wise, resolute, and benevolent.” I snorted in disbelief at that last one. “Irrespective of how many animals you’ve found it in your gracious heart to spare, you will make a fine ruler-”

“Thefinest,”Ren corrected, stretching out on the thick log we’d laid down to sit on. His smile was all teeth.

“…the finest ruler Quareh has ever seen-”

“Just tell him to fuck off, Jiron,” I advised, accepting the leg of meat that was handed to me. “Your suffering will be just as painful, but at least it will be over quicker.”

“Hush, Nathanael. Some people genuinely wish to express their adoration for me, you know.”

“No one here does. Jiron, tell us what happened back in Máros. How did you get away?” The memory of leaving the three men in the palace chapel, irate guards hammering down the door and the windows we’d fled through too small to allow their own escape, had infected my nightmares more than once.

The guard shrugged in his usual, unaffected way. “Not much to tell. They knew you were already gone by the time they finally broke through the door. We didn’t see the point in killing more of your men, Your Highness, so we allowed ourselves to be arrested, although it came at the cost of Councillor Navar expressing his…frustrationswith your escape.”

Ren and I shared a glance, knowing exactly what that meant. Yet the guards had either been treated by a healer or the beatings they’d received hadn’t been too severe, as Jiron showed no sign of discomfort as he seated himself across from us.

I tore off a piece of the hot, tender meat, stifling a groan at how good it tasted after a day of living on nothing but water. Ren didn’t bother to hide his own noises of relief and pleasure, sounding very much like he did when he came, and that brought my blushing back to the surface pretty sharpish.

“Und wen wat?” the prince asked with his mouth full.