I forced unpleasant, cock-softening images into my head, although it took a long damn time to undo what he’d done to me so I could get some sleep. Yet each time I began to drift off, I was rudely wrenched back to reality.

“Stop wriggling!” I hissed at Ren after receiving an elbow to the ribs for the fourth time in as many minutes.

“I can’t help it,” he grouched, shuffling on the ground and driving his hip painfully into my balls. I grunted and reached out an arm to hold him still.

“There’s a...Dios-damned rock pressing against my back wherever I lie,” Ren complained, and I sighed.

“Careful,dorogoi. You’re letting your spoilt prince show.”

“Oh, and you’re finding thissocomfortable?”

“I’ve had worse,” I shot back, returning the fifth rib-digging elbow as I was convinced that this time it had been deliberate. “Someone threw me in a fucking cell, remember? Twice!”

“Hmm,” the prince said, suddenly sounding much more contented. “That sounds absolutely dreadful. Poor baby.”

“So maybe I’m not exactly upset that the cause of that unpleasant experience now has a rock in his bed. Would you like me to collect some more?”

“You’re being mean,” Ren pouted, “and entirely unsympathetic to my horrific situation.”

“A barely-inconvenient situation which is the same as mine.”

“One might have supposed that a good servant would have fashioned his prince a comfy hammock.”

“I’m not your fucking servant,” I snarled, “but if you happen to have any rope to make one, I’ll gladly string you up in the trees nonetheless.”

“That sounds lovely-”

“By your neck, prince.”

“Or I could not put you to the trouble,” Ren added hastily, and I shook my head as my lover finally fell blessedly silent, sleep taking me once more.

And then I jerked back awake as Ren dug his knee into my thigh.

“Do I have to bite your arm off after all?”

He gave a long, drawn-out sigh. “It’s not my fault. It’s just too hard.”

“Yes, Ren, it’s theground. It tends to be hard.”

“Well, tell it not to be.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’ll get right on that.”

Ren made a noise of approval and patted the earth at his side. “You won’t know what hit you,” he warned it. “My Mathias can do icy judgment and impossible stubbornness like you’ve never seen: you’ll be soft and squishy in no time.”

He made a noise of complaint as my chest shook with silent laughter. “Now who’s wriggling?”

“Your Mathias?”

“Yes,” Ren said firmly. “Mine.”

I reached around and tugged Ren’s slim body onto mine so his shoulders and torso were off the ground. He tucked his head under my chin and gave a sleepy, happy hum as he settled against me, his weight a pleasant pressure as we drifted into sleep.

“Good pillow,” the prince whispered to my chest, kissing it gently, and those words accompanied my consciousness into darkness.


Chapter Eight