“I’m sure it’s noteveryone,” he protested with visible indignation. “Just Welzes and Navar and Yanev…and probably the rest of my father’s Council, and all the nobles and merchants now on their side, and the servants and guards who just follow the authority of whoever’s ass is on the throne, and the palace cat whose tail I accidentally trod on when I was six.”

“Right,” I agreed, trying to stifle a yawn. “So you’ve got Lord de la Vega and the palace’s population of mice in your corner.”

Ren winced. “Probably not so much the mice. The cat became twice as mean after she almost lost her tail, and I’m sure they know it’s me to blame. Shall we skip the fire thing and get some sleep?”

I faltered, trying to ignore my growling stomach and wondering how to raise my other pressing concern. “I have to…” I waved a hand at the nearest tree, and he frowned, confused.

“Answer a call of nature,” I said awkwardly. “How do we...?”

Ren deftly manoeuvred us into position and I flushed, looking away as his own stream of urine hit the bark.

“Really,mi cielo, after all the filthy things I’ve done to you,thisembarrasses you? I’m sure many people have pissed in front of you before.”

“Not while I was tethered to them, they haven’t.”

Ren laughed, shaking himself off and straightening his clothes. Then he rattled the chain between us. “You have to admit, this is kind of kinky.”

“It’s kind ofinconvenient,” I retorted.

That earned me a half shrug, like being captured by mercenaries and ending up shackled to another person in the middle of a Quarehian forest happened to him every day. But instead of giving me privacy, the prince rested his chin on my shoulder, peering down attentively and somehow making me feel twice as uncomfortable than when I had my cock out for other reasons.

“Need me to hold anything?” he offered sweetly.

I batted his face away but paid for it dearly, for the moment I was finished, he dragged me backwards and dropped abruptly to the ground a few yards away without warning. I yelped as I was pulled down with him, the shackles biting into the abused skin on my wrist.

“Stop. Fucking. Doing.That!”

Ren ignored me and lay down instead, and while I wasn’t prepared to admit it, he’d chosen a decent spot for us to rest. The ground was spongy with the layer of oak leaves spread thickly across it, and while it made for a musty smell, the thick greenery above us sheltered us from the direct sunlight.

He inspected his own bound wrist as I tucked myself away.

“We’ll find a blacksmith to remove the manacles or…something,” I finished lamely, realising as I said it that even if we could afford to pay for such a thing, we looked very much like what we were: a pair of alleged criminals on the run. We could just as easily be turned in for our troubles.

“Hmm,” said Ren. “I suppose I should say thanks for not gnawing off my arm to save yourself.”

“That was an option? Damn,” I said.

He patted my knee. “It’s not your fault. You’re just not as good at thinking up drastic solutions as I am. Or as good atanythingelse, really, other than being a sullen asshole.”

When I shoved half-heartedly at him, careful to avoid his injury, he caught my hand and rolled on top of me. We came to rest with his right forearm pressed lightly against my throat.

“Oh yes,” Ren said with a wolfish smile. “You’re also excellent at looking deliciously fuckable. How do you possibly make ‘cranky’ seem so hot?”

“No,” I warned. “Don’t even think about it.”

“You don’t want to find out if we can make it work even with these?” Ren asked, shaking his other hand to make the chain rattle.

“You’re Renato Aratorre. You’d make it work.” He preened at that. “What Idon’t wantis acorns in my ass.”

“Mat, if you think I’m going to let a bunch of acorns get up in what’s mine, you’re not as smart as you’ve been pretending. Trust me, your ass will be far too full for anything else to fit in there.”

“We also don’t have any oil,” I pointed out.


“And you’re injured.”

“That’s…” He sighed, slumping against me. “Also true. Very well. But so it’s fair, I shall ensure your suffering will be just as acute as mine.” He rubbed himself against my cock until he coaxed an unwilling groan from my mouth, and then, far too smug at having brought me to aching hardness with no relief, crawled off me and lay at my side.