As we moved together on the bed, my hands clutched at Ren’s hips while the bed creaked obscenely in either protest or encouragement. When the prince began to dig his fingernails into my chest, I used the sharp pain to drive deeper and faster against that spot inside him until I wasn’t sure where I ended and he began. I was quickly becoming addicted to how I could drive the breath from his body, and the intoxicating way each one of my thrusts pulled an involuntary gasp from him.

And when my slick fingers found his length, he couldn’t hold on any longer, my name tumbling from his lips as he came over my hand. I felt his muscles tighten around me while he rode out his climax, his head thrown back and his hands clenching into fists where they rested on my chest.

“I love you,” I whispered, and Ren returned the sentiment in a hoarse, broken voice. We were slick with sweat and cum and yet neither of us cared, pulling each other close in that draughty, dirty room as he continued to rock his hips against mine.

I stared up at him as the prince’s lashes fluttered closed and his mouth parted slightly. But the sheer pleasure his body was gifting me soon turned my thrusts into short, shallow snaps of my hips, and I forced a breathless curse from Ren’s mouth as I came inside him, ecstasy clouding my vision.

“Mathias!”His voice was strained and my answering cry was no better.

Damn, he’s perfect.

My princeshuddered when he finally pulled himself off me, still coming down from his high, and the blissed-out look on his face made me want to do it to him all over again. I rubbed my fingers together, coating them with his seed and marvelling how hard he’d come for me.

Ren gave me a coy smile and then grabbed my hand, forcing my fingers into my mouth.

“Payment for a job well done,” he teased, making me suck them clean before leaning down to replace my hand with his lips and sinking us into a long, deep kiss tinged with oil and cum that bore me a million miles away…before reality inconveniently returned in the form of drying stickiness all over my stomach and chest.

A vivaciously humming Ren helped me wash up first and then slid into bed behind me a few minutes later, gathering me into his arms as we waited for the sunrise. Whether the cuddles were from affection or to warm his cold skin on mine was debatable, but he apparently hadn’t had the same foresight as I had to dress before returning to bed because I could feel he was naked, his already half-hard cock pressing insistently against my tail bone.

He gave an aggravated sigh directly into my ear.

“The next time you dare bring anything but your beautiful self to bed, I’ll spank your ass raw,” the prince growled, sparing no time in dragging my newly donned clothes off me and subjecting me to the same cold sheets and thin blanket as him. “You’re beinginconvenient, Velichkov.”

I hid my smile in my pillow, letting my lover strip me with all the patience of hurricane.

“I’m going to sleep now,” Ren declared when he’d successfully torn every scrap of clothing from me.

“Okay,” I mumbled, letting myself drift off too, and then yelped as Ren spread my cheeks and slipped a finger inside. I might have fallen from the bed in surprise had he not had his leg wrapped around mine, keeping me pinned.

“I thought you saidsleep, you asshole!”

“Mmhmm,” he agreed, even as he pushed the finger deeper and stole my ability to breathe. “This is just in case I decide my bed warmer needs to be put to better use.”

“Oh, fuck off.”

“If you weren’t moaning in pleasure when you said that, maybe I’d take you seriously.”

“Two rounds weren’t enough for you, prince?” I asked, trying to block those same moans and failing quite miserably. I was in awe of his almost supernatural libido: it was a miracle he ever managed to get anything done other than me.

“Mathias,” he murmured. “Nothing’s ever enough when it comes to you. I want to experience every fucking thing this continent has to offer with you at my side. Or beneath me,” he added, and I could hear the damn smirk in his voice.

And then: “Mat? Can I be the little spoon? Just this once?”

I rolled over and wrapped my arms around him, settling into the same position we’d woken up in nearly every morning since we started sleeping together.

“Alright,” I agreed, grinning into his hair as he wriggled back against me and let out a purring sigh. “Just this once.”


Chapter Six

Four days’ travel from Máros, another slightly slimy meal at another slightly slimy table in anotherveryslimy inn in a place called Alzidura, and I’d garnered a new appreciation for all the leg muscles I hadn’t known I had. I hadn’t previously considered myself unfit, what with all my horse riding and practicing looking hot as fuck when ascending the five steps up the dais to the throne atla Cortina...and the other stamina-based activities that were best enjoyed without clothes, but walking across the Blessed country exercised a whole new range of muscles that were absolutely aching from the miles we’d put behind us.

Mathias picked dubiously at whatever sludge we’d been served this evening, evidently trying to work out whether it was actually food or just a plateful of mud someone had scooped up from the road. Having long given up on my own not-dinner with far less optimism, I was busy thinking about Very Important Things like whether we had enough money left to order a bath tonight so I could spend another session licking and nibbling at that sweet little rim of his and sending my wildcat into a sobbing, desperate mess.

“Ren,” he snapped now. “You’re not listening.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. We had enough money: I’d make sure of it. And when he was stretched around my tongue, pleading for me to release him after enduring multiple rapid-fire orgasms, I’d take great pleasure in forcing another from him with this exact moment in mind.