
I remembered the wide-eyed look the prince had once given me on the floor of the bathing room that time when we were half-drowned in wine. I hadn’t pressed him for an answer on the matter since, knowing how terrifying the prospect was for him. “Are you-”

“Ordering you to top?” Ren asked, emptying the rest of the oil onto his hands and reaching behind himself. He wouldn’t meet my eye. “Yes, I…yes.”

By the Blessed Five, he wastrembling.

“Do you need me to help?” My mouth was dry with the mere anticipation of being inside him.

Ren shrugged, trying to act nonchalant even though I could hear the harsh catch in his breath as he hovered over me. “I’ve been planning this since you…for a while,” he amended with a half smirk. “So if you’re asking if I need as much preparation as your tight little ass did, the answer is no.”

I blew out an amused breath, wonderingwhenexactly he’d found the time to finger himself while he’d been accused of treason and on the run for his life.

“Mathias,” he added, the dominance in his voice no less present than when I was spreading my legs forhim.“If you think this is your chance to repay me for every rough, degrading, controlling act I’ve ever inflicted on you, think again. You’re still mine to do with as I wish.”

The words may have been thrown out with confidence but his touch as he stroked me to full hardness once more was tentative. Ren never did anything hesitatingly in bed: he was fearless and bold, every kiss and movement steeped in certainty like he’d practiced them a thousand times. But this was...this was new. New, and ever so fucking precious, as I was well aware of the number of times he’d ever suggested another man take him, let alone allowed it to happen.

The thought of being his first, as he had been mine, was intoxicating.

“Yours, Your Highness,” I said obediently. He leaned down to press his chest to mine, closing his mouth over my shoulder and nibbling on my flesh, and then whispered his demand into my skin as if it was easier for him to voice that way.

“Fuck me, Nathanael.”

I grinned up past him to the ceiling of our rented room. “You could try sayingpleaseonce in a while.”

A low growl sounded from the prince atop me, and I yelped as he pinched my side.

“Ahora,Mathias, before I decide not to let you come at all tonight. As it is, you’re not allowed to do so until you’ve finished me off.”

“I already finished you off,” I pointed out, but when those ruthless fingers of his moved to rather more sensitive spots, I decided hasty agreement was the better option. Then I paused, realising the dilemma he’d intentionally put me in. “Can I please move my hands to touch you?”

Ren lifted his head, his hair cascading down around his face and his lips twitching in wicked satisfaction. “Good boy. You may.”

I wrapped one of my hands around the base of my cock and tugged him forward to line us up, barely able to breathe. He felt too tight as I nudged the head of my cock against his opening, and I was worried I wouldn’t be able to fit, opening my mouth to call it off before I hurt him. But the prince slowly sank down onto me with effortless grace. I didn’t dare move until he told me to – not because of how he might punish me for it, but in the fear that I might scare him. I could see the visible tension in each of the prince’s muscles, the way his body quivered in the gloom and how his mouth was set in an anxious line, and wondered if I should have insisted on checking he was really ready before agreeing to it. Becausefucking hell,he felt amazing wrapped around me, and it was almost surreal that I was being allowed to do this, but was he capable of enjoying himself this way?

Ren swallowed, glancing down at me as he slid his hands across my chest to brace himself. It was difficult to keep my hips from meeting him in response.

I felt tightness. Resistance. And then I was fully inside, and fuck, that was good. Superb. Blissful. Many other words I never thought I’d use but were spilling into my head now, wrapped up in how gorgeously perfect he felt.

“Okay,” he said uncertainly, starting to move with that same unfamiliar timidness as before, and I took that as permission to stop holding back. Our breaths shallowed as he hit a rhythm in riding me, his tight heat bearing down on each one of my eager thrusts. “That’s not…bad.”

I snorted.

“No, it’s really good,” he assured me, looking earnest enough that I couldn’t find it in me to be offended. “I just don’t understand the appeal-”

I shifted my angle to the one I always liked to feel when in his position, and he choked, his nails scratching at my skin.

“¡Dios mío!”

“Now you do,” I said, grinning, and Ren’s wide, shocked eyes connected with mine.

“Fuck, Mat! That’s…”


“Do it again,” he ordered, and for once I didn’t hesitate to obey, relishing every sensation far too much to even consider protesting.

This wasn’tanythinglike fucking a woman. The feeling of stretching my prince open, watching my cock disappear into him, hearing him murmur how good I felt inside him, made my head swim. My toes curled as heat spread through my body, and remembering how to breathe became the most difficult task of all.