Page 140 of An Oath and a Promise

Mat seemed to think that was unjustifiably cruel. But Mat was the one all tied up and helpless, so he could think what he liked and I could get off on ignoring him.

“Stop, damn you!” he demanded next, but he still didn’t say the right word, so I had no intention of doing so.

“Does that hurt?” I asked.


“Good,” I told him, pleased. “Widen your stance.”

Mat’s glare could have melted steel.“Poshel na khuy.”

Go fuck myself? Not very smart of you, dear consort.

Trying not to smile, I swapped the crop to my left hand so I could slap him – very lightly – across the face with my right. His head snapped to the side, more in surprise than force, but he brought his knee up as if determined to take me down with him.

I stepped back, narrowly avoiding the blow to my groin, and fixed him with a look.

“It seems you’re enjoying this more than you’re letting on if you’re so desperate for further strikes,” I warned, but Mat wasn’t cowed.

“Do it,” he spat, defiance sparking through his gaze, “and the moment I get free, you prick, I’ll make you regret each one.”

Oh, he never learned, did he? That was part of what made him so enjoyable to play with.

Half his body, usually so pale, was covered in hot, red marks, and yet my wildcat still bit. And would continue to bite until the very end, in that blissful moment when Mat finally submitted to me as he came.

I let the crop fall from my hand, and Mathias gave me a satisfied smirk as it hit the floor.

“Untie me,” he said haughtily, raising his shoulders and grimacing through the discomfort it caused him, “and maybe I’ll go easy on you.”

I ducked my head to hide the way my lips twitched upwards. Mathias had a way of turning the serious into the humorous, of creating levity in the heavy. I was fretting about what beating him and letting myself be truly rough with him would mean for us and our relationship, and he was busy being a smart-ass.

“Don’t go easy on me,” I told him, pulling open the drawer to the bedside table once more. “For I don’t intend to return the favour.”

He never even got chance to see the cane before I laid it across his ass. Nowthatwas a proper scream, startled and distressed. Dios, I liked the way Mat hurt for me.

But he’d practically been begging for it. It would have been rude to deny him.

I was lucky as all hell to have foundmi sol, and luckier still that he allowed me this. I’d often thought on why my mind and body felt this burning need for domination in the bedroom, always reaching the conclusion that I wanted to reassert a control that my father and Moreno had stolen from me, and which being a royal necessarily cost when you acted in service to your people. Control, yes, but I also relished the sweet surrender that my partner – thatMathias– gave, and being wholly trusted to take him through to the other side, breaking him down and building him back up stronger than ever.

Mathias snarled, twisting furiously in the ropes. My wildcat waspissed.

“What the fuck was that?” he growled when he got his breath back.

I showed him.

“You are not hitting me with that!”

“I already did.”

“Go back to the other one!”

“Maybe later,” I drawled. “For now, I’d rather make you wish you hadn’t mouthed off to me quite so much.”

Mat cried out again with the second strike, a delicious noise that I felt through my groin.

On the third, he dropped his head and fucking whimpered.

And it was cock-hardening noises like those that made me undo my trousers with my other hand and free myself. Pre-cum gleamed at the tip, and it ached for friction. I gave it two strokes, the same as I had Mat, but it wasn’t enough.