Page 65 of Vampire United

“Caleb!” he barks. “We have a problem. We’re outnumbered.”

Caleb climbs back to his feet, wiping his hands as he frowns. “We already knew that.”

“It’s worse than we anticipated.”

His shoulders tense. “Okay. I’ll bite. How bad is it?”

Alec’s upper lip curls. “At least ten-to-one.”

Maddy jumps to her feet and rushes Alec, stopping short right beside him. She may be terrified, facing hopelessness straight in the face, but she won’t let anyone undermine Caleb’s steady faith. He needs it.

And so does she.

“I don’t care if it’s fifty-to-one, so drop the attitude, you sorry piece of Fae,” she snaps. “We’re supposed to be here, and we’re doing this.”

Caleb’s eyebrows hit his hairline, and his eyes twinkle. “I’m with her.”

And for the moment, Maddy really believes everything has been pointing to this moment.

Even if they fail.

Even if they die.

She makes a fist. “I don’t care what happens. We’re going to beat Orion or we’re going to die trying. The mortal plane is worth it, and I refuse to believe we’re all here for any other reason than to defeat Orion. We’re going to win.”

As the silence spreads through the group, Maddy hopes those won’t become her famous last words.




Maddy’s magnificent when she’s furious. Her eyes flash, her lush red lips work a snarl he could kiss, and she puts Alec in his place. If he could portal back to Veritas and take Maddy back to bed, he would right then.

In the dim light of pre-dawn, Alec is clearly angry about being addressed that way by a vampire, but it doesn’t matter. He can use his scowl on Orion.

He’s the enemy.

Caleb studies the mansion in the valley below. Hundreds of figures circle the mansion, moving as menacing shadows. A cold burst of wind dances down his spine. It’s colder here than it was back at Veritas. He shakes his head. Of all the things to notice right now… Instead, he turns his thoughts toward Maddy and the promises they’d made before they’d climbed from the bed to face the attack.

We’ll survive.

And we’ll live happily ever after.

Now, as he’s staring down at the scene of what’s sure to be their final battle, he’s not so certain he’ll be able to keep the first promise…which means he won’t be able to keep either promise.

But Maddy will live. He’ll die making that come true.

He pulls a semi-automatic pistol, loaded with a silver bullet magazine from his waistband. It’ll be nearly useless against what they face, but it won’t keep him from trying. The fingertips of his freehand graze his pendant. It’s humming with the power coursing through his body, but it’s helping keep it at bay.

Maddy turns to face the collection of warriors around them. “Are we all ready?”

Kenna steps forward. “The Order is ready.”

Alec’s upper lip curls, and he glances at Maddy. “My people are ready.”

Cora shrugs. “We’re as ready as we're ever going to be.” Her expression makes it clear she wants to say more, maybe even something about what a hopeless attack this is going to be, but she doesn’t. “Outnumbered or not, the sun’s coming up.”