Page 54 of Vampire United

Cora’s gaze darts to Alec, and her face pinches. But she says nothing.

“It’s the only way,” Caleb urges.

“I’m not swallowing,” Cora says. “I don’t know what Spider’s venom would do to me. He’s Fae, I’m vampire.”

Caleb shrugs. “Whatever you have to do.”

Cora presses her teeth to Maddy’s neck, and the initial puncture makes Maddy jolt as though she’s been struck by electricity. Blood seeps out, spilling onto the ground beneath her. More and more covers the ground, and Caleb’s heart starts pounding. He shouldn’t be letting it happen, but it’s the only way to save her.

Alec still wears a nonplussed look on his face, still studies his fingernails.

So much blood. It’s so much. Cora sits back with a sickened look on her face. “It smells wrong, somehow. It turns my stomach.”

“It’s the venom,” Alec snaps.

Caleb squeezes Cora’s shoulder. “Keep going.”

She lowers her mouth to Maddy’s neck once more.

Caleb wants to wring his hands, pace, and freak out over the amount of Maddy’s life on the ground. He wouldn’t have thought it possible, but she grows even more pale.

Finally, Cora sits back. “That’s it. That’s all I can do without killing her.”

“Now we wait.” He turns to Alec. “How long until she wakes up?”

“Depends on how well your friend drained her.”

Caleb wants to launch himself at Alec, but he keeps his rage from exploding out. He’s trying tosaveMaddie, not accidentally murder her. He thinks the pendant on the necklace must be working the way it’s supposed to.

Soon, Maddy’s breathing becomes easier. Suddenly, she gasps and bolts upright, blinking before registering Cora.

She points to Cora’s mouth. “Why is your mouth so bloody? What happened?”

Cora points to Caleb as he moves in. “It was his idea. Ask him.”

“C-Caleb?” Maddy whimpers.

Caleb drops to his knees beside her. “I’m here.”

She reaches for him, but her hands shake. “Caleb? I thought…”

“Hush. I’m here.”

“No, Nim’s back there.”

He freezes. “She’s back there?”

“We have to save her.”

“I can’t send you back.”

She shakes her head and squeezes her eyes closed as fat tears roll from the corners of her eyes. “We have to save her.”

“We will.” Caleb doesn’t know how, but he can’t have her worrying about Nim right now. “You have to heal the rest of the way, Maddy. We can worry about Nim when you’re stronger.”

Cora bumps Caleb’s side. “Hey.”
