Page 6 of Vampire United

Her abilities seem almost out of reach, less, somehow, than they were before. Fighting against the dullness of her powers, she mentally scratches and claws at the magic until the cloak spell wraps around her. When it finally settles, her heart breaks anew.

She’ll never see Caleb again.

It’s the only way to keep them all safe.



“Bring me Galina,” Caleb rasps.

He’s saying the words before he’s even woken up completely after passing out. His eyeballs feel like someone popped them out while he was unconscious, rolled them in sand, and shoved them back into his eye sockets. His eyes flutter, but they don’t focus immediately. Maddy’s gone, but Galina can find her.

“Bring me Galina,” he growls and sits up on the sofa. He should be stronger than he is, more confident than he is. Was that all really just because he was a vampire? Why hadn’t Kenna asked him before turning him back into a human?

She should have asked.

Someone gasps. He thinks it’s Kenna by the tone. “What are you talking about?”

“You heard me. Bring me Galina. I want Maddy, and Galina can find her.”

He doesn’t care if Maddy doesn’t want to be found, he must find her. Another nearly overwhelming wave of sorrow threatens to drown him beneath a tsunami of feelings. The tornado inside him is going to turn into a hurricane. He needs her…and for these crazy human emotions to go elsewhere.

Kenna rushes to his side and puts her hand on his shoulder, the pressure gentle but firm enough to make it clear she doesn’t want him to get up. “Take it easy. You’re safe and back in Veritas now.”

“We have to find Maddy.”

“We don’t know what you did back there. Let’s focus on that.”

“I had a burst of latent power and threw everyone back.” He grabs his phone and dials Maddy again, but she doesn’t answer. How many calls does that make? Eight? Ten?

“Yes, but we don’t want it to happen again.”

“Did I hurt anyone?”

“They’re all fine.”

“Then, apparently, something’s activated.” He throws his legs over the edge of the couch. “If I’m descended from Van Helsing, does that mean I can track people, not just knock them down?”

“We can’t be sure,” Rachel soothes as though she knows where his next words are going, and she doesn’t want him to leave. “We have no idea why it worked for you or why your powers are activated now.”

Cora hovers nearby, too, wringing her hands as though she expects to get yelled at.

“I want Maddy. That seems to be where it comes from.” The petulant tone to his own voice annoys him, but it doesn’t matter. Caleb meets her eyes and barely resists glaring. “Do you know where she went?”

She straightens her clothes, drops her hands, and makes fists on either side of her. “I couldn’t tell.”

“Did she feed before she took off?”

“On somebody in the lab.”

“That’s not enough.”

Cora’s expression tightens. “I know.”

After he stands, a wave of dizziness nearly knocks him back to the cushions, but he grits his teeth and catches himself on the padded arm of the couch.

Galina strides into the living room with a pleasant look on her young-seeming face. She doesn’t say where she’s been or what she was doing. “Someone said you needed me.”