Page 43 of Vampire United

Cora moves away, but Maddy kneels in front of Caleb. She squeezes his knees. “Are you starting to feel any better? It’s been a heck of a day.”

He peers into her eyes. “I think whatever this is might be fading. I’m still weak, but it’s not as bad as it was when we got here.”

Maddy touches his forehead again. “You’re still pale, but you’re not as clammy as you were earlier.”

Kenna reappears in the main lobby area with Sierra in tow. Sierra has something in her hand, but Maddy can’t tell what it is.

Caleb drums his fingers on the arms of the upholstered chair and glares. “What do you think Kenna’s going to try to do to me now?”

“Maybe she’s going to try to help you.”

He sighs, the tension with his aunt no doubt taking its toll, too.

Sierra comes to a stop in front of Caleb and opens her hand, palm-side up. Inside it, there’s a large oval rock with multiple carved runes all over the surface. The top has a hole drilled through, and it hangs from a long leather cord.

Caleb eyes it. “What is it?”

“While you were gone, we looked for an artifact to help you with your particular…issue.” Sierra offers an uncomfortable smile as though she doesn’t quite know what to call Caleb’s power. “The runes are runes of power. They’ll help you focus your abilities and control them.”

His expression turns dubious. “How do you know?”

“It was mentioned in the texts, and it’s been stored in the vault since the death of the last Van Helsing who used it. We have reason to believe he used it to help funnel and direct his powers. Logically, this will help you as well.” She studies the stone pendant and the deep marks in the rock. “Though, the runes imply it would help anyone control their magic.”

Kenna and Cora hover behind Sierra. Carefully, Caleb takes the rock from Sierra’s hand, and Maddy helps him fasten it around his neck. As soon as the pendant touches Caleb’s skin, he gasps and color returns to his cheeks almost immediately.

Sierra beams at Caleb and nods at him, pleased with herself. “The Archivists spent all morning hunting for this item. We knew it would work.”

Caleb sniffs. “Don’t get ahead of yourself.”

Maddy crouches beside his chair. “Did it help?”

“I already don’t feel as weak or sickly.”

He reaches to slip the pendant off, but Maddy captures his hands. “No, don’t do that.”

“I’m not sure I trust them.”

“But there’s color in your cheeks now,” she agrees and stands. “I think it might be just what you needed. Maybe they had a good idea.”

Caleb glances up at her. “You were worried.”

Maddy’s chin quivers. “A little.”

Caleb catches her hand and pulls her down to his level once more. “More than a little.” He scoots to the front edge of his cushioned seat. He grasps her chin in his hand, and she shivers as a wave of emotions rolls through her. “I’m fine.”

Her eyes flood with tears. “No, you’re not fine.”

“I’m fine, Maddy.”

“Don’t be silly. Neither of us are fine.”

At this, he gives Maddy a half-smile. “Well, I can agree with that.”

“Do you want to get out of here?” Caleb asks.

Maddy’s eyes widen. “What?”

His gaze turns warm, and passion dances in his eyes. “We should go someplace.”