Page 79 of Vampire United

Sylvan and Cora release him and scurry away from their shared enemy. A clatter’s going on behind them, but Maddy doesn’t turn around; she can’t move at all. Orion’s dying, and she doesn’t want to miss any of it.

Orion’s body slowly disintegrates and then explodes into a thousand pieces, sending a concussive blast out from him, through the bunker and outward. Maddy leaps out of the way of the particles from Orion’s body, but she still doesn’t take her eyes from the barren stake in the wall. She lands nearly at the entrance to the room.

“Look out!” Caleb yells, nearly slamming into the large table in the middle of the war room.

Maddy cries out as something punctures her skin and slides into her neck. When she turns to face the traitor, she gasps.

It’s Kenna…holding a long syringe.

Maddy’s vision turns fuzzy, and her knees buckle.

As she slips to the floor, her thoughts tumble over each other.

Kenna has been against them this the whole time.

I’m so sorry, Caleb.



“Kenna!” Caleb growls. “What did you do?”

Kenna puts the lid back on the needle and tuck the syringe in the back pocket of her pants, like it’s the most common thing in the world. Maybe it is…for her. Constantly playing with people’s destinies. The remaining members of the Order collect behind her. There aren’t many left.

Two of them lift Maddy between them and take her out of the bunker. Caleb wants to run after her, but Kenna catches his arm, stopping him.

“Tell me,” Caleb turns to her. “What did you do to Maddy?”My Maddy.

She shrugs. “It took us forever to find you up here in this secret bunker.”

Caleb rounds on his aunt, pointing at her face. “Tell me what you’ve done, Kenna.”

She wraps her hands around Caleb’s finger and brings his hand downward. “You’ll understand soon enough, but I promise you, Maddy is well and safe.”

He curses under his breath and catches up to the two Order members who carry her. “She’smymate. Let me carry her.”

They allow him to lift Maddy into his arms without a fight.

Caleb studies Maddy’s cheeks, her neck, and relishes the feel of her against him. It may not be completely over yet, but they’ve ended Orion… It’s as good as finished. He wishes she was awake to celebrate with him.

He studies the other Order members. “Where are we going?” he asks them.

“To the mansion. We’re all gathering there.”

Caleb takes a breath, afraid of the answer to the question he has to ask. “How many have we lost?”

“We don’t know yet.”

Neither of them speaks again as they lead him out the front of the bunker and to a transport vehicle. Carefully, Caleb places Maddy in the back and climbs in beside her. “I take it you plan to drive us back down into the valley?”

The taller of the two Order members nods. “Trust us. It’ll be okay.”

“Sure,” Caleb answers, glad to be near Maddy once more. Though he doesn’t trust them at all.

He thinks he hears Kenna’s voice outside the transport. He’s so weary, he’s not sure he cares anymore. Maybe his scheme-y aunt is going along, too. Caleb doesn’t care.

The two gently close the rear doors of the transport. A moment later, the engine rumbles to life, and Caleb rocks back and forth as the vehicle moves away from the bunker.