Ten minutes into the first movie, Missy demanded weed lasagna, and I didn’t argue when Shelby gave me a plate full of lasagna and garlic bread.

It was even better than when I had it at the gender reveal.

“How is the doctor thing coming?” Missy asked.

I rolled my eyes and set my computer on the floor. “It was going good until Shelby fed me, and now all I want to do is fall into a food coma.” I laid my head back and smiled happily. “Are you sure that isn’t laced with something?”

Missy moaned and sat up. “I think I ate too much. Baby girl is kicking up a storm.” She laid her hand on her stomach and grimaced.

“Carbs must make her happy,” I laughed. “Does she normally get active after you eat?”

Missy shrugged. “She’s pretty active all of the time. This is different, though.” She leaned forward and moaned.

“Missy?” Shelby called, panicked.

I flipped down the footrest and moved to Missy. “Does it hurt?” I asked. “If she’s just kicking, it shouldn’t hurt,” I pointed out. I was sure Missy knew that since she had felt the baby kick many times before, but my doctor was coming out.

“Ow,” Missy whispered. “It’s like my stomach is tightening or something.”

I placed my hand on her stomach and noticed it was firm. “Does it still hurt?” I asked.

Missy nodded. “Yeah, but it’s getting better.”

“Just keep breathing,” I advised. Missy was having a contraction. They could be Braxton hicks, or her body could be ready to get this baby out.

“What is going on?” Shelby asked. “Is she having the baby?” she cried.

I chuckled. “This second? No. Though it’s possible this little girl didn’t like being excluded from girl’s night and will make an appearance.”

“What?” Shelby exclaimed. “You have to be kidding. She’s having the baby? It was the lasagna, wasn’t it? I told you that you shouldn’t eat so much.”

“Shelby,” I laughed. I held up my hand and slowly lowered it. “You gotta calm down, girl. We need to focus on Missy.”

Shelby laid her hand on her chest and grimaced. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I’m sure it’s nothing.”

She went from crazy to zero in on second flat. I needed her to be in the middle. “We just need to keep an eye on her for the moment.”

Missy took a deep breath and rubbed her stomach. “Okay, I feel better. I’m sure that was just indigestion. I shouldn't have eaten lasagna and chicken. Shelby is right.”

I wasn’t too sure it was the combination of food that was causing Missy pain. I glanced at the clock above the TV. “Tell me if it starts hurting again, okay?”

Missy nodded. “I will, but I’m sure it’s nothing.”

It very well could be nothing, but with it being so close to Missy’s due date, I leaned more towards her being in the early stages of labor.

“Just focus on the movie,” Shelby said. “A distraction is good.” She stood in front of the TV, wringing her hands. “We all just need to focus on J Lo trying to catch the man of her dreams. Just focus,” she whispered.

Shelby was more panicked than Missy who was the one possibly about to give birth.

“Uh, your mama wasn’t a glass maker, Shelby,” Missy called. “Move your butt, girl.”

Shelby jumped to the side and ran her fingers through her hair. “Sorry,” she called. “I’m just kind of freaked out that you’re going to have your baby on my living room floor.”

“My living room floor,” Missy corrected her. “As soon as baby girl is here, I’m moving in so you can move to your farm.”

“Whatever,” Shelby muttered. “Maybe we should go to the hospital, huh? They can help you figure out if you’re having a baby. We need a doctor.”

Missy leveled her gaze on Shelby. “Did you hear what you just said?”