Fine. We’ll hold the weed lasagna for you.
Oh my god. Missy was insane. Thoughtful. See you later.
I grabbed my purse and finished packing my bag.
Maybe a girl’s night was just what I needed.
It felt like I was in a rut, and I didn’t know what to do to get out of it. I loved my job, and life was great, but sometimes I felt alone.
A night with Missy and Shelby was just what the doctor ordered.
Chapter Four
“You have a goat.”
Wilder cracked open his beer and chugged it.
“Uh, yes, he does,” I laughed. “Shelby wants to start a mini farm.”
“Like with mini animals?” Charlie asked.
I tipped my head to the side. “Now that you ask that, I don’t really know. I took it as meaning just a small farm, but only getting mini animals seems like something Shelby would do.”
Wilder wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and burped. “My god, I needed that,” he wheezed.
“Trouble in paradise?” Charlie asked.
Wilder shook his head. “If you call trying to talk your fiancée out of buying a dozen chickens and a donkey paradise, then nope, things are great.”
“A donkey?” I asked. “That’s new. She sold me on chickens the other day when she said we would have unlimited eggs.”
Wilder shook his head. “The only way we're going to have unlimited eggs is if she gets two or three dozen chickens. She’s bamboozling you, Blake. Next thing you know, you’re gonna have a chicken condo smash up against your bathroom window and ten roosters waking you up at the butt crack of dawn every morning.”
I tipped my head to the side. “Uh, Shelby never mentioned any of that,” I muttered. I was a morning person, but I didn’t like to start my day at dawn. Seven o’clock was more my style.
Missy, Shelby, and Shannon were having one last girl’s night before Missy popped out lil’ Missy, so Charlie had come over to hang out. Wilder was obviously taking this as a sign to drink a few beers and slightly complain about Shelby’s plan for a farm.
“So, I’m having a baby soon, and you guys are starting a farm?” Charlie laughed.
“It would seem that way.” Wilder motioned out the window to the new pasture. “Ba is the first.”
“But why a sheep?” Charlie asked.
“That is the million-dollar question,” I laughed.
“Facebook,” Wilder sighed. “She found the damn thing on Facebook. Something about the owners were moving and couldn’t take Ba with them.”
I nodded. “Yeah, that would make sense. Shelby doesn’t seem like one who would turn their head to an animal needing a home.”
“You’re right,” Wilder grunted. “Which also means I need to keep her off damn Facebook, or she’s going to be coming home with a new animal every night.”
“Get her pregnant,” Charlie suggested. “She’ll be too busy waddling around and eating everything crazy that she won’t have time to worry about getting more animals.”
“Uh, I wouldn’t repeat that to Shelby or Missy,” I laughed. “They might not find that very flattering.”
Charlie shrugged. “It’s the damn truth, man. All she talks about is weed lasagna, man. Do you know the looks she gets from people when she says her biggest craving is weed lasagna? You’re to blame for that shit by guessing weed is the secret ingredient.”