As if ten minutes ago, I had zero plans of moving for a long time. Now? Well, now I needed to figure out if the tranquil peace of living in the converted barn was worth dealing with the impending farm.

“Shelby mentioned she was looking to rent her place out,” I shrugged.

Wilder shook his head. “Pretty sure Charlie and Missy are moving in there once the baby is born.”

“Dammit,” I muttered.

“I’m sure you could move in with them, but you’ll probably be on diaper duty once the baby comes.”

I held up my hands and stepped back. “You know what? I think I’m okay with a sheep. How hard can it be, you know? I’m good with staying in the barn.”

Wilder shook his head and laughed. “Me, too, man. Marrying Shelby is my next big move. I’ll save the baby-making for later.”

“Just practice for now,” I agreed.

“Who the hell are you practicing with?” Wilder asked. “You’re either working or sleeping.”

“You don’t know everything I’m doing, Wilder.”

He raised his eyebrow. “You and Shannon iron things out?”


Wilder always brought her up whenever he could, but I shut him down. “Haven’t seen her since Missy found out they were having a girl, man.”

“Why not?”

“Wilder,” I grunted. “I won’t talk about Shannon because there is nothing to say. I’ve moved on, and so has she.”

“Then why won’t you talk to her? Be civil? She’s friends with Shelby and Missy, you know?” he pointed out. “Or, even,” he drawled, “tell me what the hell happened.”

I did know, and as much as I didn’t like it, I couldn’t tell them not to talk to her.

I didn’t hate Shannon.

In my mind, I knew she wasn’t at fault for what happened to Sheldon.

I had gone to therapy.

Worked through my anger.

But seeing her had catapulted me back to that morning I had gotten the phone call.

The phone call that had changed my life.

Shannon wasn’t the reason why Sheldon had died, but she was the only person still alive I could blame.

A blame she didn’t deserve, but I was only human.

I crouched down and patted Ba’s head.

“You know you can talk to me, Blake. We can all tell something changed four months ago.”

Yeah, Shannon McGee, a ghost from my past, changed everything. “I’m not ready to talk, Wilder. I’ll let you know when I am.” If I ever was.

Ba leaned forward and sniffed my face. “Hey,” I whispered.

Wilder sighed. “I’m not gonna bring it up anymore, man. Just know I’m here if you need me.”