This day was already perfect, and telling Wilder he was going to be a dad was the cherry on top.

He held me at arm's length, gazing into my eyes with an intensity that spoke nothing but love.

“I love you, Wilder Presley,” I whispered.

“And I love you, Shelby Lynn.” He cradled my barely there bump. “And I love our little you’ve got cooking.”

He wrapped me in his arms, and I couldn’t hold back my tears.

Wilder Presley loved me, and man, it felt good.

Coming Soon

Biker in My Bed Anthology

February 5th

My Hero

Iron Fiends, #4

March 29th

About the Author

Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author Winter Travers is a devoted wife, mother, and aunt-turned-author born and raised in Wisconsin. After a brief stint in South Carolina, following her heart to chase the man who is now her hubby, they retreated up North to the changing seasons and to the place they now call home.

Winter spends her days writing happily ever afters and her nights being a karate mom hauling her son to practices and tournaments. She also has an addiction to anything MC-related, puppies and baking.

Winter loves to stay connected with her readers. Don’t hesitate to reach out and contact her.




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Check out the first chapter of Playboy

Chapter One


Just another Saturday?

“Where are you going?”

I dropped my cigarette to the gravel and snuffed it out with the toe of my boot. “Bed.”

Jet inhaled deep on his cigarette. “Alone or you got company joining you?” he wheezed before blowing out a plume of smoke.

“Right now, alone, but we both know that can change from here to my bedroom door.”

It was early Saturday morning at the Sacramento Skinz strip club, and I was ready to call it a night. Most of the dancers were offstage and done for the evening which meant I was going to have my pick of the girls to warm my bed tonight.