“That’s nice.”

I nodded and sat back in my chair. “It really was. I didn’t have many friends, but Sheldon was one. I started my clinical that year, and Sheldon just let me dump everything that happened to him each shift. He loved hearing it all. It gave him a glimpse of what he was headed toward.” I sighed and tipped my head to the side. “Sheldon really was amazing.”

“Would there have been something between you two if he hadn’t died?”

I shook my head. “No. Sheldon was not into me. Men were his type.”

“Well, that blows mine and Shelby’s love triangle theory out of the water,” Missy laughed.

“Yeah, you guys were way off base with that.”

Missy sighed heavily. “So what happened?”

I smiled sadly. “Uh, well, I had just got done with a clinical, and my car wouldn’t start. I was about to call a tow truck when Sheldon called. When I told him what happened, he said he would come pick me up, and I could call the tow company later.”

“That was nice.”

“Yeah,” I whispered. “It was a little after seven in the morning, and Sheldon headed toward the hospital in his rusty old Beretta. He was three blocks away when a drunk driver plowed into him.” Tears filled my eyes. “Two minutes before the sirens sounded, I felt like something bad had happened. Sheldon was gone before a passer-byer called 9-1-1.”

“Oh my god,” Missy gasped. “That’s horrible.”

I nodded and swiped the tears from my eyes. “Uh, yeah. Sheldon had so much to live for. He was going to go into pediatrics. He would have been an amazing doctor.”

Missy sighed softly. “But Blake and his family blame you for Sheldon’s death?”

“Uh, well, partly, yes. If my car hadn’t broken down and Sheldon insisted on picking me up, he would still be here.”

“That’s crap,” Missy gasped. “How were you supposed to know that was going to happen? It’s the drunk driver’s fault.”

I knew she was right. Hell, most people would agree, but the Marshalls lost a son and brother. Feelings and emotions were different when you were the one who lost someone so senselessly. “They blame the drunk driver mostly, but Sheldon wouldn’t have been on the road that day if it weren’t for me.” I smiled sadly and shrugged. “So, that’s the story of Blake and me.”

Missy held up her hand. “Did he lose his virginity before or after Sheldon passed away?”

“Before,” I laughed. “Blake came to visit Sheldon at least once a month. One thing led to another one night when I crashed on Sheldon’s floor.”

“On the floor?” Missy whispered.

“Do we really need to go into that much detail?” I asked.

“I mean,” Missy laughed. “If you want to.”

I shook my head and nodded to the clock. “I’m already over my scheduled time for your appointment, Missy. Get your pregnant butt out of here, and say hit to Shelby for me.”

Missy tipped her head to the side. “What about Blake?” she asked.

“I think Blake is doing just fine without me, Missy. Just let him be.” I leveled my gaze on her. “That’s doctor’s orders.” I had gone through hours and hours of therapy to get through losing Sheldon. I assumed Blake had worked through it, too. At least, I hoped he had.

Missy rolled her eyes. “Sure, sure. Whatever you say, doc. I’m just going to go home, put my feet up, and finish cooking this baby.”

Something told me that wasn’t all Missy was going to do. “Just leave me and Blake in the past, Missy. He has a right to feel the way he does.”

“Right,” Missy drawled. She shimmied off the exam table and righted her clothes. “Hopefully, the next time you hear from me, it’s because I’m on the way to the hospital to shoot this baby girl out.” She rubbed her stomach and smiled broadly.

“But if not, I’ll see you next week for another checkup. Make sure you schedule one with the front desk on the way out,” I reminded her.

Missy headed out of the room, and I was left alone.

Like always.