
Chapter Six


“I know, Shelby,” Charlie laughed. “I was there when it happened.”

“What the hell is going on?” Wilder asked.

Charlie moved the phone from his ear. “I think your girl is drunk, bud. She keeps telling me Missy is having my baby.”

Wilder cocked his head to the side. “I didn’t think the girls were drinking tonight because Shelby feels weird when she drinks in front of Missy right now.”

Charlie shrugged. “Well, maybe she changed her mind because she sounds drunk to me.”

Wilder nodded to Charlie. “Put it on speaker and let me talk to her.”

Charlie hit the speaker button and held it toward Wilder.

Get to the damn hospital, Charlie, I’m in labor!” Missy hollered.

“Oh, shit,” Charlie gasped.

“That’s what I’ve been telling him,” Shelby whined.

“Get to Adams General, Charlie, and bring Missy’s bag,” Shannon shouted.

“Oh, shit,” Charlie gasped.

The call ended, and Charlie stared at the phone.

“I’m having a baby,” Charlie whispered.

Wilder looked at me, his eyes ready to bug out of his head. “What the hell do we do?” he asked.

I chuckled and stood. “Well, I think we should grab Missy’s bag and head to Adams General.” You know, exactly what Shannon had just told us to do.

“Bag?” Charlie gasped. “I don’t know what bag she is talking about,” he panicked. “I can’t have a baby if I don’t know what bag she is talking about.”

Wilder was still staring at where I had been sitting.

“Uh, you didn’t see Missy packing a bag with things she’s going to want at the hospital?” I asked. Apparently, I was the only one who didn’t freak out under pressure. “She had to have talked about it, Charlie.”

Charlie slowly stood and looked around. “It’s not here.”

I closed my eyes and shook my head. Good god. “Uh, well, no, it wouldn’t be here since you guys don’t live here. I’m sure it has to be at your house. Let’s head there to look for it, and then we’ll go to the hospital.” I assumed Missy had to have it sitting out somewhere for easy access for times just like this.

“I’m drunk,” Wilder stated. He pointed at Charlie. “You’re drunk, too, and you’re having a baby. You can’t have a baby when you’re drunk.”

I was pretty sure Charlie had sobered up the second Missy had hollered at him that she was in labor.

“He’s right,” Charlie gasped. “I’m drunk.”

Neither of them was drunk. They had a couple of beers and just shouldn’t be driving. They weren’t stumbling around drunk or anything.

Though Charlie was stumbling, that was more shock than anything. He walked to the front door and tripped over his feet as he opened it. “Oh my god,” he whispered. “I can’t have a baby if I can’t even open the door.”

Maybe we could make a stop on the way to the hospital for a cup of coffee. Something to get these fools to wise up.